"...reply using a single-word magical mantra -- "Whatever" -- and then walk 
away. Anything else is going to turn out like punching Uncle
Remus' tarbaby. Just sayin'..."

Just sayin', here you are in your sixties, and afraid to even respond to most 
of those who engage you on the forum, terrified almost, that you will be sucked 
into a tar-like vortex, from which you are unable to escape on your own.

You have made such a totem out of judging others here, that now after years of 
digging that groove in your head (that's a pun...), you are so weak that even a 
word of meaningful response, where you are held accountable, even that small 
reflection of energy from you is now seen in your hallucinatory state as the 
inevitable road to a hellish tarbaby-like interaction - gooey, dirty and 

You are so attached to your reflected self in this imaginary interaction that 
you write reams about it, what it will be like, how it will feel, all your 
defenses arrayed against the great evil: Responding to someone here as an equal.

Two things:
1) You take what is said around here WAY TOO SERIOUSLY.
2) You take yourself WAY TOO SERIOUSLY.

Lighten up. Take a dump. Have a cup of coffee. Think before you write. Lose 
your fear and grow a pair. Get over yourself.

groups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> As a public service, might I remind people of the proper,
> approved spiritual technique for dealing with a street 
> crazy? You know, one of those angry bag ladies or gnarly 
> old guys who suddenly jump out at you as you're walking 
> peacefully down the street and then rant at you?
> Some might be tempted to interact with them, as they go
> on and on and on -- spewing literally thousands of words
> at you or anyone else who passes -- as if they were really
> talking to them. But they're not. They're talking to them-
> selves, and trying desperately to get someone -- anyone -- 
> to talk back to them as if they were either sane, or worth
> talking to. But they're not. Doing so is not only a waste 
> of your time, it reinforces the crazy person's delusions.
> In my experience, the most effective technique for dealing 
> with crazies like this, whether you run into them on the
> street or on the Internet, is to reply using a single-word
> magical mantra -- "Whatever" -- and then walk away. 
> Anything else is going to turn out like punching Uncle 
> Remus' tarbaby. Just sayin'...

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