> > I'll have to ask Judy, if her invention of Vajihad 
> > was inspired by my use of 'Love Jihad'? I will now 
> > refer to Vaj as Vaji or better Vaj Ji.
> > 
> Some can hear criticism of a belief system and under-
> stand it to be what it is, a criticism of a belief
> system. 
So, what business is it of yours what another person
believes? Are you the thought police? 

> Others feel the need to take it personally,
> as if it were an attack on them. I've never really
> understood the phenomenon myself, so I can't explain
> it to you. I'm only reporting on how things seem to
> me. 
> From my point of view, if there is a jihad going on
> on FFL, it has to do with TMers attempting to demonize
> anyone who challenges their sophomoric belief system.
You sound really scared!

> Denizens of FFL have gotten so used to this that they
> actually think it's normal. My feeling is that this
> is because they don't get out much, and are so used
> to talking only within "echo chambers" in which every-
> one shares their beliefs that they don't know how to
> act when they encounter different ones.
You sound like an echo chamber yourself. Everyone knows
you don't get out much anymore, but at least you could
post something different for a change. You suck as a
spiritual teacher. Why not just give it up?

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