
--- In, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@...> wrote:
> --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > If the TMers here had the tendencies Barry imagines, we'd
> > be going after Robin with all guns blazing in a fight to
> > the death.* Somehow it's never gotten through to Barry that
> > in his opposition to TM and MMY, Robin makes the other TM
> > critics here look like pipsqueaks. Yet it isn't the TMers
> > who are attacking Robin--we get along with him just fine--
> > it's the TM critics themselves
> >
> > Will somebody please rescue Barry from his own stupidity?
> > If he'd just come down from his ivory-tower personal echo
> > chamber and actually pay attention to the discussions here,
> > he wouldn't keep making such an idiot of himself.
> >
> > There's something going on here that's much more
> > interesting than the usual FFL dynamic, but Barry fails to
> > see it because he's shut himself off from anything that
> > might upset his fossilized preconceptions.
> >
> > -----
> > *Metaphorically speaking, of course.
> >
> [\
> TeExLZJHq-E/s493/fossilized%252520preconceptions.png]

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