--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> According to Maharishi and according to tradition this 
> [losing Unity Consciousness] is not possible. In this 
> case it wasn't fully established. 

Either that or it never happened in the first place.

That is, from everything that has been reported here
that I've read, the entire episode sounds like a 
classic case of NPD/hypmania augmented by moodmaking
and a desire to become the focus of other people's

I've seen it happen before to other "gurus" who set
up shop based on self-announced (and never verfied,
even by their own teachers) "enlightenment."

The thing that causes me to believe in this theory
is the fact that RWC refuses to even consider it,
even as a possibility. *His* subjective view is the
only possible explanation. That's pretty much classic 

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