--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > Well you see that is exactly the problem of the illusions created by 
> > hindsight, as well as our highly selective choice of remembering things 
> > Maharishi predicted. (rumor has it a few didn't come through.)  Maharishi 
> > was an emphatic prediction kind of guy both in the negative and positive, 
> > depending on his mood. One minute nature herself couldn't stop the movement 
> > (actual quote) and the next we were all bound for hell in a handbasket 
> > (imagined quote but accurate in tone)
> > 
> > And as much as I have ties with the events of 9-11 living close enough to 
> > the Pentagon to pass by the gaping hole days after, it was not the biggest 
> > event for mankind to warn us about if one had magic powers was it?  I mean 
> > we are just finding out the value of using AIDS treatment as a prevention 
> > for spreading the disease, and if this was promoted by a prediction enabled 
> > Maharishi it would have saved millions of lives.
> > 
> > Maharishi spouted out all manors of predictions and we select the 
> > convenient few.  And it isn't even a conscious process is it?  It is how we 
> > are wired and our ineptitude regarding this illusion of 20/20 hindsight.  I 
> > mean Condie Rice had a paper titled Bin Laden to Strike Inside the US and 
> > that didn't help us a bit did it?  Why?  Because we had many, many threats 
> > and only in retrospect does it look obvious that this was the ONE that 
> > nailed us.
> > 
> > But getting back to the warning.  Do you have the exact words?  I would be 
> > very interested in evaluating if Maharishi actually had prior knowledge in 
> > the specific, or if this was another vague "you are all doomed" message 
> > meant to drive more people into the domes.  It would be interested to see 
> > how closely his thinking process matched the terrorists.
> > 
> > So let's have the quote Nabbie, and we'll see how much of a magical 
> > prognosticator your marketing mad master really was.  And in a world of 
> > terrorism with the US being an obvious target, it needs to be more specific 
> > than "one of them is gunna get you all someday."  That much we knew.
> > 
> > Oh yeah, and I don't pay any price for playing music, the money runs in my 
> > direction, which is also coincidentally the best way to tell who the guru 
> > is in any group like TM.
> No, you can do the Googling yourself. Will keep you off that horrible music 
> for awhile.
> He warned specifically the US of an attac on it's financial centre months 
> before it happenned.

A few weeks actually

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