I don't know if you saw this but it is the video this boy made before he died 
of a heart condition at a young age.  He had "cheated death" several times and 
"talks" about his near death experiences.  I put "talks" in quotes because the 
whole video is done without speaking.  It's very moving and very comforting 


 From: futur.musik <futur.mu...@yahoo.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011 9:17 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: whynotnow7 = futur.musik

Fear of death: 

This year, and Thank God they aren't all like this, I got my start on death 
with my only Aunt's passing on Valentine's Day, February 14th. I saw her 
several times in the hospice, having been alerted to her condition. She was not 
very responsive, then I meditated at her bedside with my wife. After perhaps 10 
or 15 minutes I looked up from the foot of her bed and she was staring fixedly 
at me, as if to say goodbye, and then was gone. She was 95.

Then after we had returned home to California, I received a phone call May 21st 
that my step-mother was dying. Very suddenly. Although I rushed to NC, we were 
not in time. We stayed for the funeral and my Dad attended though he was in a 
wheelchair, and slipping fast. At her funeral, I saw her standing next to my 
father, as the congregation was focused on the casket. She was 84.

After that, I was out to clear my dad and stepmom's place, and my Dad was 
declining until August 1st, when he passed away. It was a glorious ascension 
for him, and I was happy to see him go! He was 88.

So after all of that, I am OK with whatever comes next. I have seen too many of 
us pass into the next world to doubt that reality, although that doesn't mean I 
understand the phenomenon, nor wish for it, at all. I just have no fear 
whatsoever of the event called death.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "futur.musik" <futur.musik@...> wrote:
> Hi RV, when I was off the board I looked at FFL sometimes, and happened 
> across Emily's statement about living a fear based life equating with rigid 
> beliefs. It reminded me of past experiences of mine. It seems like a common 
> thing that many people, post "waking up" or aka ?, recognize that a life 
> lived bound by identity is a life lived in fear. 
> Nothing unpredictable about that. When we are carrying around anything more 
> than ourselves, we must go through an incredible amount of effort to retain 
> it, especially if we think it is our identity. 
> This label of indispensability that we attach to an idea of ourselves 
> immediately creates a fear of loss, and leads to all kinds of contortions in 
> order to realign to these ideas we hold as us. 
> As they dissolve, the fear dissolves. The manufacturing of fear becomes seen 
> for the whole prehistoric game it is, of holding onto something fictitious, 
> superstitious, illusory, when there is in fact nothing to hold onto, nothing 
> to be afraid of, or afraid of losing.
> I also found that the longer I spent contemplating but not facing or 
> resolving a fear of mine made it grow larger, just like fertilizing it. It 
> grows an imaginary life of its own - never faced, it uses the shadows of a 
> runaway mind to assume grotesque proportions. Silly but true.
> I have also found that someone who tries to appear fearless, but isn't, can 
> be spotted easily, with the more obvious their attempts making them stand out 
> that much more clearly. As you know, sighted from the rock solid foundation 
> of Akasha, the hypocrites are toast. :-)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula <chivukula.ravi@> wrote:
> >
> > Jim, not sure what the context was for this discussion on fear but yes I 
> > have had my battles with it for the last 2 years and your views are much 
> > appreciated.
> > 
> > I really appreciated David and yours feedback on the Batgap list last year, 
> > on fear of death being one of the last of the attachments to go and I had 
> > really intense experiences as well which I have shared in the past. Now I 
> > can safely say that I have no more fears left :-), it's such a freedom !!!
> > 
> > I can discuss more if you or others are interested.
> > 
> > 
> > On Dec 30, 2011, at 6:22 PM, "futur.musik" <futur.musik@> wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi Ravi! Sometimes fear teases me, but shows its illusory nature very 
> > > quickly, since I refuse to avert my gaze from it. When I first gained the 
> > > ability to stop thought altogether, I found a practical use for it, that 
> > > of putting myself to sleep at night. 
> > > 
> > > Instead of the past, thoughts running without stopping, now they could be 
> > > stopped, at any time...like...that. However when I began doing it to fall 
> > > asleep, immediately after stopping my thoughts, my heart would 
> > > involuntarily race, in the absence of a point of identification, so 
> > > ingrained was my habit.
> > > 
> > > Or perhaps those were the final threads of that attachment to some memory 
> > > of me. Not gluey enough to prevent me from letting go of thought with no 
> > > attempt to get it back, yet still enough memory to trigger my autonomic 
> > > nervous system into a fight or flight response (even though it was 
> > > ultimately afraid of itself-lol).:-) 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula <chivukula.ravi@> 
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Beautiful post !! Welcome back Jim !!!
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > On Dec 30, 2011, at 4:05 PM, "futur.musik" <futur.musik@> wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > Hi everyone, I am back as futur.musik, a sometimes record label I've 
> > > > > played with in the past. I was whynotnow7, but got tired of it, 
> > > > > sounded stale, so here's the new me. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > Happy New Year almost! Merry Christmas, except to Vajihad, who is in 
> > > > > some white supremacist movie that I am not part of. Welcome back 
> > > > > Ravi! Thank you Bob for Santa's present! Thank you Nabby and Buck on 
> > > > > behalf of the posts you attempted to give whynotnow7! I hope everyone 
> > > > > has a great coming year!
> > > > > 
> > > > > Emily's observation that people with fixed beliefs (who cannot listen 
> > > > > to others) live a subconscious fear-based existence was right on. I 
> > > > > also enjoyed Ravi's candor earlier. The bhajan in the back of the car 
> > > > > was intense, and some good singing.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Funny when someone comes straight out with a shot of reality on here, 
> > > > > it cannot be ducked, and yet it is funny watching some here twist 
> > > > > themselves into pretzels trying to avoid it. There have been several 
> > > > > exchanges as of late that have been especially entertaining. Gives 
> > > > > new meaning to the expression you can run, but you cannot hide. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > It seems like some folks here get tweaked a few times and they are 
> > > > > off to the races, slaying straw men as fast as they can stand them 
> > > > > up. Completely lose touch with reality, diving inside their heads for 
> > > > > the most distorted stories of what has occurred. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > As a great example, the person on here with only opinions, who has an 
> > > > > actual *Do*Not*Read*List* lives the very picture of a fear based 
> > > > > existence. This person cannot take enough stock in their own ideas to 
> > > > > discuss them. Calls them mere 'opinions'. So to this person, they can 
> > > > > only be responsible for opinions, which change all the time anyway. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > So, to themselves, there is nothing to believe in, to follow, 
> > > > > develop, explore or take responsibility for. This person's ideas are 
> > > > > so unstable and ephemeral that they can only be referred to as 
> > > > > 'opinions', never to be challenged, examined or validated, even to 
> > > > > themselves.
> > > > > 
> > > > > As time has passed on FairfieldLife, this person has grown 
> > > > > increasingly isolated, now on a forum of over a thousand members, 
> > > > > interacting with just *two* other people, with a special case for 
> > > > > discussing a "safe" subject with one other.
> > > > > 
> > > > > This person is the only member in the ten year history of FFL with a 
> > > > > specified Do Not Read List. The mere written words on a screen from a 
> > > > > growing list of members are too stressful to even look at for this 
> > > > > person, so they are denied the attention of one "immersed in Self" 
> > > > > (the way this person recently described themselves). 
> > > > > 
> > > > > Well, its a bit more complicated than that...you see, this person 
> > > > > actually *does* read the posts of those on that private DNRL. They 
> > > > > simply pretend otherwise. shhh.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Is this really what FFL is all about? Seems like the only reason this 
> > > > > person is on here is for some attention. No interest in interacting - 
> > > > > just a soapbox for 'opinions'. I guess it takes all kinds.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Anyway the point I was making is that we can live like this one 
> > > > > person does, locked up within their 'opinions', posting plenty but 
> > > > > (pretending they are) not reading others, and certainly not 
> > > > > interacting with more than just a couple of trusted buddies. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > Or we can be open and engage others and make this more of a community 
> > > > > of ideas and fun and humor, as it has been lately. FDR and later, 
> > > > > Living Colour, said it best, "The only thing to fear...is fear 
> > > > > itself".
> > > > > 
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > 
> > >
> >


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