Emily, the x-ray vision which possesses me, gives great insight. : )

I love reading your posts. This week was a bit busy for me and when I do get to 
thoroughly read your posts, you bring a smile to my face.
The children are the most important to anything else in the world, even when 
they are teenage and older. A mommy's "me," time in greatest focus is being 
there to bring comfort to her children's, "me," time. 
This, is always a benefit and where nature gives rewards out of.

Hope to see you on tonight, or tomorrow. : )
I think I may be here, unless I get a wild hair up my as_.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@...> wrote:
> Yes, when you feel moved, please do...as now that I am moving out of shame I 
> am moving directly into deep fear.  I knew it was coming and it isn't the 
> "how am I going to support my family" kind of fear.  Funny the topic should 
> show up here.  I am very happy that I have more confidence and more energy 
> and more resolve to deal with the demons, so to speak.  I will be posting 
> less to the joy of many, I'm sure.  My older daughter is here for the month 
> of January and is making it pretty clear that she needs me to "step it up" 
> family-wise, and I think she's right.  My younger teen actually gives me way 
> more slack.  
> But, action and a schedule will help allay fear on a daily basis. I also 
> really want to spend some time with some of the BatGap interviews. I just 
> spent two days reading Rory Goff's spiritual autobiography.  I can't 
> remember what prompted me to look him up, but I'm glad I did. He spent quite 
> a bit of time in Seattle and may know someone who could help me, so I might 
> call him.  
> Yes, Ravi, the car video was a great one...I didn't even notice the ipod was 
> swinging to the beat, but it is and that was very funny the second time 
> around.  I think Obba must have special sight.  
> ________________________________
>  From: Ravi Chivukula <chivukula.ravi@...>
> To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> 
> Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011 8:31 PM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: whynotnow7 = futur.musik
> Jim, not sure what the context was for this discussion on fear but yes I have 
> had my battles with it for the last 2 years and your views are much 
> appreciated.
> I really appreciated David and yours feedback on the Batgap list last year, 
> on fear of death being one of the last of the attachments to go and I had 
> really intense experiences as well which I have shared in the past. Now I can 
> safely say that I have no more fears left :-), it's such a freedom !!!
> I can discuss more if you or others are interested.
> On Dec 30, 2011, at 6:22 PM, "futur.musik" <futur.musik@...> wrote:
> >Hi Ravi! Sometimes fear teases me, but shows its illusory nature very 
> >quickly, since I refuse to avert my gaze from it. When I first gained the 
> >ability to stop thought altogether, I found a practical use for it, that of 
> >putting myself to sleep at night. 
> >
> >Instead of the past, thoughts running without stopping, now they could be 
> >stopped, at any time...like...that. However when I began doing it to fall 
> >asleep, immediately after stopping my thoughts, my heart would involuntarily 
> >race, in the absence of a point of identification, so ingrained was my habit.
> >
> >Or perhaps those were the final threads of that attachment to some memory of 
> >me. Not gluey enough to prevent me from letting go of thought with no 
> >attempt to get it back, yet still enough memory to trigger my autonomic 
> >nervous system into a fight or flight response (even though it was 
> >ultimately afraid of itself-lol).:-) 
> >
> >--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula <chivukula.ravi@> wrote:
> >>
> >> Beautiful post !! Welcome back Jim !!!
> >> 
> >> 
> >> On Dec 30, 2011, at 4:05 PM, "futur.musik" <futur.musik@> wrote:
> >> 
> >> > Hi everyone, I am back as futur.musik, a sometimes record label I've 
> >> > played with in the past. I was whynotnow7, but got tired of it, sounded 
> >> > stale, so here's the new me. 
> >> > 
> >> > Happy New Year almost! Merry Christmas, except to Vajihad, who is in 
> >> > some white supremacist movie that I am not part of. Welcome back Ravi! 
> >> > Thank you Bob for Santa's present! Thank you Nabby and Buck on behalf of 
> >> > the posts you attempted to give whynotnow7! I hope everyone has a great 
> >> > coming year!
> >> > 
> >> > Emily's observation that people with fixed beliefs (who cannot listen to 
> >> > others) live a subconscious fear-based existence was right on. I also 
> >> > enjoyed Ravi's candor earlier. The bhajan in the back of the car was 
> >> > intense, and some good singing.
> >> > 
> >> > Funny when someone comes straight out with a shot of reality on here, it 
> >> > cannot be ducked, and yet it is funny watching some here twist 
> >> > themselves into pretzels trying to avoid it. There have been several 
> >> > exchanges as of late that have been especially entertaining. Gives new 
> >> > meaning to the expression you can run, but you cannot hide. 
> >> > 
> >> > It seems like some folks here get tweaked a few times and they are off 
> >> > to the races, slaying straw men as fast as they can stand them up. 
> >> > Completely lose touch with reality, diving inside their heads for the 
> >> > most distorted stories of what has occurred. 
> >> > 
> >> > As a great example, the person on here with only opinions, who has an 
> >> > actual *Do*Not*Read*List* lives the very picture of a fear based 
> >> > existence. This person cannot take enough stock in their own ideas to 
> >> > discuss them. Calls them mere 'opinions'. So to this person, they can 
> >> > only be responsible for opinions, which change all the time anyway. 
> >> > 
> >> > So, to themselves, there is nothing to believe in, to follow, develop, 
> >> > explore or take responsibility for. This person's ideas are so unstable 
> >> > and ephemeral that they can only be referred to as 'opinions', never to 
> >> > be challenged, examined or validated, even to themselves.
> >> > 
> >> > As time has passed on FairfieldLife, this person has grown increasingly 
> >> > isolated, now on a forum of over a thousand members, interacting with 
> >> > just *two* other people, with a special case for discussing a "safe" 
> >> > subject with one other.
> >> > 
> >> > This person is the only member in the ten year history of FFL with a 
> >> > specified Do Not Read List. The mere written words on a screen from a 
> >> > growing list of members are too stressful to even look at for this 
> >> > person, so they are denied the attention of one "immersed in Self" (the 
> >> > way this person recently described themselves). 
> >> > 
> >> > Well, its a bit more complicated than that...you see, this person 
> >> > actually *does* read the posts of those on that private DNRL. They 
> >> > simply pretend otherwise. shhh.
> >> > 
> >> > Is this really what FFL is all about? Seems like the only reason this 
> >> > person is on here is for some attention. No interest in interacting - 
> >> > just a soapbox for 'opinions'. I guess it takes all kinds.
> >> > 
> >> > Anyway the point I was making is that we can live like this one person 
> >> > does, locked up within their 'opinions', posting plenty but (pretending 
> >> > they are) not reading others, and certainly not interacting with more 
> >> > than just a couple of trusted buddies. 
> >> > 
> >> > Or we can be open and engage others and make this more of a community of 
> >> > ideas and fun and humor, as it has been lately. FDR and later, Living 
> >> > Colour, said it best, "The only thing to fear...is fear itself".
> >> > 
> >> >
> >>
> >
> >

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