So, finally, we're here. The year when, by year's end, the transition to a new 
era is supposed to be - well, what? Apparent? On its way despite appearances?

The Mayan calendar gets a lot of attention for setting this date, but the 
Oneness Blessing people have cited it also, and I believe some other people and 
wisdom traditions have concurred.

There's always a lot of change in the world; lots of old ways dying and new 
ways being born. What might be different about this year? The American 
elections will be telling. Syria and Russia, too. 

Will the Eurozone melt down? Pakistan? Will Canadian shale oil and American 
fracking doom the environment and climate, or will cleaner energy sources 
finally take hold?

The outcomes of those situations and others may convince me that the Age of 
Enlightenment is either genuine or a sham. By this time next year I hope to 
either have my optimism vindicated or be stocking up on guns and water 
purification tablets.

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