Do you plan to live your life any differently?  That thought has not
occurred to me FWIW.

--- In, "jpgillam" <jpgillam@...> wrote:
> So, finally, we're here. The year when, by year's end, the transition
to a new era is supposed to be - well, what? Apparent? On its way
despite appearances?
> The Mayan calendar gets a lot of attention for setting this date, but
the Oneness Blessing people have cited it also, and I believe some other
people and wisdom traditions have concurred.
> There's always a lot of change in the world; lots of old ways dying
and new ways being born. What might be different about this year? The
American elections will be telling. Syria and Russia, too.
> Will the Eurozone melt down? Pakistan? Will Canadian shale oil and
American fracking doom the environment and climate, or will cleaner
energy sources finally take hold?
> The outcomes of those situations and others may convince me that the
Age of Enlightenment is either genuine or a sham. By this time next year
I hope to either have my optimism vindicated or be stocking up on guns
and water purification tablets.

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