The Space Brothers Who are they?
  [GAdamskiUFO]  <> The
Space Brothers consist of 7-8 extraterrestrial races that work together
(Lindgren). Perhaps we can call their co-operative project help for a
less developed planet? These individuals come from Venus, The Pleiades
and Ganymede (one of Jupiter's moons that was colonized by a
civilization coming from the star system Orion. The Space Brothers look
about the same as us. Some are high and blonde (Nordics), others has
more Asiatic-Mongolic features. Here we are talking about the real
Nordics, not the fakes materialized by negative extraterrestrials in
order to create confusion and destroy the mission of the Space Brothers.
Remember, individuals coming here from other planets in our solar system
is etheric physical, not solid physical like us. They can at will, lower
their vibration and become visible to us.

  [Oxalc]  Early in the seventies, Sixto Paz Wells from Lima in Peru one
of the most well known contactees of today, met this man called Oxalc,
an extraterrestrial person from Ganymede.

Orthon from Venus, who met the contactee George Adamski early in the
50thies.  [Orthon] 

What are the characteristics of the Space Brothers?

Most of the following information has been given by Adamski, Creme,
Lindgren, Wells and Williamson:

    * They come from civilizations that are a lot more advanced than
ours, both technologically and spiritually.

    * Our free will is never infringed. Therefore they do not force
themselves upon us in any way, or try to take the lead. According to my
understanding the phenomena manifested by the Space Brothers are never
such that we are forced to accept that they are behind them. They always
give us a way out – that is - it will be possible for us to give
what we observe (for instance Ghost rockets), a natural explanation.

    * Oversee the condition of this planet and among other things,
neutralizes radioactivity and poisonous substances that we have dumped
into the oceans. As long as we (read: the media controlled by special
interests), keep the fact of their existence hidden, this can only be
done to a limited degree. When the time comes when we wish to cooperate
with them more openly, the present situation will of course, change.
This situation is governed by a spiritual Law fully respected by the
Space Brothers, called the Law of Correspondences.  This Law is works as
follows. The more prevant the cover up and the less the media informs,
the weaker the expectation and wish among us to get help from them
becomes, and the more the Space Brothers have to  keep themselves in the
background. As already stated: They never infringe our freewill.

They wish to be of assistance, but solely on our premises and according
to our wishes. They are very concerned about the environmental
destruction, our arsenals of atomic weapons and our use of nuclear
power. This group want to help us develop new sources of environmentally
friendly energy, since this seems of prime importance in keeping our
planet inhabitable thus securing it as home for future generations.

Do you wish to help the Space Brothers?

They never impose themselves and in order to help us they are dependent
on our wish and of course, that we have been informed about their
existence. Here is a questionnaire
<>  that can be of help.

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