Something I wanted to clarify to my lovers, on how I arch, throw my head
backwards as I hit the high notes of a song.
I'm full of sexual energy like the sexually repressed, perverted Gurus
like Muktananda, Nityananda and our own perverted resident swami
I have come to realize that I'm full of sexual energy and through
singing among other avenues transform my sexual energy into bliss, into
unconditional love, unconditional hatred.
When I hit the high notes, my spine naturally straightens, my head falls
backward and now the singing touches the sex center totally aligning the
sex with the head center. I noticed videos comparing my singing to
hounds, wolves and trust me I was not offended raunchy because I find it
funny as well.
So there is no need to project sexual perversions into celibacy like
Muktananda, Nityananda or 7 layer progressively cruder, baser, grosser
intellectual deception like our resident Swami Curtisananda.
Now this helped me answer the discussion we had on progressive
I believe that there are 2 major paths - path of yoga (suppression,
perfection) and path of tantra(indulgence, path of love).
A yogi perfects his body through yoga asanas, pranayama etc to perfect
his body, mind and senses, so there can be one final enlightenment for a
Yogi since he is so ready for the divine descension.
Whereas for a tantric like me, it could take several rounds because I
just indulged, my path was love. Indeed I had 3 sets of Unity or divine
descencions each progressively higher. Nov'09, Apr-May '10 & Nov-Dec
'11. I had to go through intense purging, hence symptoms of panic
attacks, intense manic, depressive states, periods of psychosis at the
peak of descension. But the third set I had last month had absolutely
negligible impact - I only missed 4 hours of work.
So for a tantric,lover - healing, centering, integration happens after
the enlightenment experiences whereas a Yogi can have it one shot, a
final enlightenment.
Unlike pimps(intellectuals) like Vaj, Emptybill who parrot shit from
scriptures, though Vaj the liar, Empty the dharma warrior, I only
learned the majority after my initial enlightenment experiences.
And I don't have to make TV shows like our Rick to make up for lack of
intellectual skills and actual experiences.
So I'm so wrong to use the Yogi title :-), I should just use Bhogi.

--- In, "Ravi Chivukula"
<chivukula.ravi@...> wrote:
> Another video of mine from my pain-filled, bliss-filled mundane
extraordinary life.
> For my lovers..

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