My crimes, though great, cannot surpass
The pow'r and glory of Thy grace;
Great Unifying Field, Thy nature hath no bound;
So let Thy pard'ning love be found.
> Show pity, O Unified Field, forgive;
> Let a repenting rebel live.
> Are not Thy mercies large and free?
> May not a sinner trust in Thee? 
> --- In, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" <anartaxius@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > O Integrity, there are no sins.
> > Form or formless matters not.
> > Presence always, 
> > Especial location no necessity.
> > 
> > --- In, "Buck" wrote:
> > >
> > > "O Unified Field, pardon me three sins.
> > > I have in contemplation clothed in form
> > > Thee who art formless.
> > > I have described [in words] Thee who art ineffable.
> > > And in visiting temples I have ignored
> > > Thy omnipresence."
> > > -Buck
> > > 
> > > --- In, "futur.musik" <futur.musik@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hi Judy, you wrote, "You do understand that Robin does not claim to be 
> > > > enlightened and is not seeking enlightenment, that he thinks it's a 
> > > > snare and a delusion, that he believes he was enlightened decades ago 
> > > > and has made a huge effort since then to "de-enlighten" himself."
> > > > 
> > > > After reading a lot of what Robin writes about enlightenment and his 
> > > > experience being enlightened, he says he was witnessing the whole time. 
> > > > That stuck out when I read it. Enlightenment as it grows, and it always 
> > > > grows if it is real, eats up and integrates witnessing.
> > > > 
> > > > There is a period following waking up or the stabilizing of Self 
> > > > Realization, where witnessing everything, seeing the frictionless flow 
> > > > of life and your silent place in it, dominates perception. Freedom! 
> > > > Absence of fear! A great influx of cosmic energy as the Atman or Soul 
> > > > becomes a permanent flame within and shines forth.
> > > > 
> > > > If you want to stay there for awhile, then others can see your light 
> > > > and respond to it. I'll not go much further into Robin's experience but 
> > > > I think this is where he was during his leading of an alternative 
> > > > spiritual movement. It was 100% genuine regarding the Soul carrying out 
> > > > its function of expansion.
> > > > 
> > > > As the Atman continues to shine forth, extending one's boundaries, 
> > > > making them less distinct, melding one's identity with that of the 
> > > > Cosmos, the unity between us and others and everything else in our 
> > > > experience becomes more obvious. As the soul continues to radiate 
> > > > outward from deeper and deeper within us, that cosmic energy we become 
> > > > permeates everything. Everything. 
> > > > 
> > > > At that point, the lights seem to go out! Holy shit, what happened? The 
> > > > light we (the personal and Impersonal self) are radiating becomes so 
> > > > pervasive, inside and out, that life is at once transformed, becoming 
> > > > progressively more interesting, captivating and beautiful, while 
> > > > remaining exactly as it was before. So we no longer see the contrast 
> > > > between the light that we are, and the light now everywhere else.
> > > > 
> > > > We are no longer witnessing, or perhaps the witness has come out to 
> > > > play. There is no longer the longing for *peak* experiences that we 
> > > > used to want, but instead, it is *all* very much better.:-) 
> > > > 
> > > > In order to witness, there has to be something distinct from  something 
> > > > else. There has to be the unfettered ;-) bliss of the soul, the 
> > > > personal Being, distinct from everything else, and we are residing in 
> > > > Being, looking out as it were on everything else. People describe 
> > > > witnessing as being so free! so weightless almost, just in a big cloud 
> > > > of bliss, mind almost empty.
> > > > 
> > > > It is an awesome feeling, but not a complete one. Even the witness has 
> > > > to be transcended in order to for enlightenment to continue, and 
> > > > continue it will. There is no way to put the soul back to sleep once it 
> > > > wakes up, and one Day of Enlightenment lasts a very, very, very long 
> > > > time! :-)
> > > >
> > >
> >

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