Heh, I'm reading this post and going, "Hey, this guy's nailing it down."  Then 
I notice it's Curtis the writer.....ahhhhh.

Gotta love that kind of authenticity.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> Doug, 
> Hasn't it occurred to you that if this isn't a priority for the movement,and 
> at many times during its history it has acted in such a way to prove this, 
> that they really don't believe in this Vedic "non flying" group magic the way 
> you do?
> They give it lip-service, especially when it is useful to manipulate people 
> into attending courses, but they have never acted in a way consistent with a 
> firm conviction that this principle is true.  They don't put their money 
> where their mouth is to make it happen.
> Is there a higher reason than world peace to put the Purusha elsewhere? If 
> all the catastrophic phobia inducing beliefs were close to true, wouldn't 
> that be the highest priority? And wouldn't the Rajas, hand picked by 
> Maharishi for being in tune with his own priorities, be the guys upholding 
> this key principle?  They spent more time around the guy than any of us, they 
> probably know his mind at least as well as anyone.
> The biggest problem I have with your analysis of Fairfield is the same one I 
> saw again and again in the movement, not believing that the people charged 
> with doing what Maharishi wants are actually doing that.  Maharishi would 
> make a money-centric decision that screwed people, it would come right from 
> him, then people in charge would implement it and the ones affected would 
> blame it on the messengers. Anything to preserve the illusion of Maharishi's 
> benevolence. 
> The Rajas are all in, they are as believer-er as anyone could be. They 
> believe as much as you do and are as sincere in trying to do what they 
> imagine Maharishi wants from them.  That is my POV.  They are ME back in the 
> day, with more money so their suits are nicer.
> My take is that Maharishi used the idea of group flying as a convenience to 
> rally his group.  It was either carrot or stick depending on circumstances. 
> But if he really believed that the world might blow up without some magic 
> number of people "not flying" together, he would have ponyed up after one of 
> his real estate windfall sales (College of Natural Law in DC for example) and 
> made it happen.
> Instead what he did was to spend that money in a manor more consistent with 
> being a real estate speculator with a team of slave labor renovators (Oh 
> those special Purushas are so handy!)buying properties all over the place and 
> then flipping them when the price went up.  Having lived in many of them I 
> can tell you no dime was spent to actually fix them up, we hung sheets 
> instead of putting up sheetrock walls.
> The movement is moving a bunch of Puruahas because it suits some renovation 
> need or they just ran out of space and are sick of hearing people bitch, or 
> too many of them are ending up with girlfriends (bonerific!), or it is time 
> to shake them all up so they feel like they are on some new special project 
> instead of pissing their lives away with their eyes closed most of the time 
> without proper health insurance unless their parents are part of the 1%.(you 
> know, good karma and all)
> The world peace through flying together idea is one of convenience, pulled 
> out when the movement wants people to rally in one convenient group to pitch 
> the new shit to. (the human body in Christmas lights!)
> The dome policy is an exclusionary one and punishes people for even thinking 
> about spending time with the competition (think about that concept in a 
> "spiritual" context) because Maharishi himself was the king of the 
> exclusionary bastards. It was always his way or the highway.
> The Rajas are sincere in doing whatever it is they think Maharishi wanted and 
> that includes not really acting as if the Maharishi effect is real outside 
> its usefulness to motivate the group and punishing people who don't tow a 
> very narrow mental focus on Maharishi alone.  They act like self serving 
> buttholes because that is not only what Maharishi would have wanted, it was 
> who Maharishi was.
> Sorry to break all this so close to the season when you figured out there is 
> no Santa Claus, but it will save you a lot of frustration in the long run 
> believe me.
> The movement is acting exactly as Maharishi would have wanted, as it always 
> has.  Love it or leave it, but you are not going to change it.
> So there you are the last guy to get the memo. dutifully loading animals onto 
> the ark while inside the carnivores are all sitting around picking their 
> teeth waiting for the next exotic animal Dominoes' deliver, "Zebra! Yum, so 
> nice of you to bring us a pair of them!"  You are the last Japanese soldier 
> holding vigil on the Pacific island of Leyte raising and saluting the  red 
> circle flag each morning, while all his battalion are either dead or sitting 
> with their great-grandchildren on their knees.  Not knowing that the war has 
> been over longer than you and I have been alive. 
> World peace is a platitude like live forever.  It is a feel good mantra that 
> distracts from the specific issues that keep the world from getting more 
> peaceful in specific areas.  Problems that don't have simple panacea 
> solutions like sitting down and closing your eyes with a bunch of other 
> people.  Problems that make us confront how inept we are to deal with even 
> our own divisive natures.
> I'm struggling to find a landing here...let alone stick one...
> It was a great party but now the guys with the brooms are out sweeping up the 
> confetti.  It is time to go back to work, the sheep are bleating about 
> whatever it is sheep have on their minds (?).  It is the New Year.  Don't 
> spend it fighting your own master's intentions.  He isn't worth it.
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > FWIW, I'm afraid the 13th baktun, or stuff, of Maya-indians, is
> > > approaching its end... :0
> > >
> > 
> > Maya- or Mayan-Indians, it don't matter which.  
> > This is really bad for the Dome numbers, Fairfield, and the World.
> >  
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" wrote:
> > > >
> > > > The immediate urgent priority for national invincibility and world 
> > > > peace is to join the Invincible America Course at MUM. Only 2000 
> > > > Flyers, rising to 2500, in Fairfield/Maharishi Vedic City will bring 
> > > > security to America and defuse the precarious escalation of conflict in 
> > > > the world.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > >
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall <thomas.pall@> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > This is from a faculty member at MUM.   100 Purusha are leaving VC 
> > > > > > next
> > > > > > month to go to North Carolina.   Is there a new place for Purusha 
> > > > > > in NC?
> > > > > >
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > There go the Dome Numbers, again.
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

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