1) Thanks for your response.2) At 9:00 this morning, my customer came in
and dropped four Blue vs. Canadian tickets on me.3) I did read most of
your reply to Barry.4) It's 5:40, I'm still at work, and I have to get
home to have a little dinner and get ready for the game.5)  Nice to have
you back posting more regularly!
--- In, maskedzebra <no_reply@...> wrote:
> No blind spots, Steve. I was kidding. And as Barry would say: Get a
life. (Although I think I have heard that before). No, as long as you
are given over totally to those hockey Blues, I won't be able to show
you why you should reserve some of your love for Les Canadiens. One
thing, though that I can just say in passing: Witness your pre-selective
metaphysical needs, and try to control them. That way life can come into
you more on *its* terms—then you will grasp something that, at least
from my point of view, presently escapes you: context. If it hurts, or
makes you squirm, or draws you away from it, or you feel you will just
ignore it, it usually means there's something there for you to *take
in*. For instance, I feel it would be cruel of me to ask you to read my
last long post to Barry. And why is this? Because the extent to which it
was successfully exposing Barry's weakness, is precisely the extent to
which you would not like it. And in fact, you *couldn't* continue to
read it—for this very reason ["You scored, dude. You scored!"]. 
Understand? Reality has to remake us; we cannot remake it. Or rather we
can; but if we decide to do this with any kind of dogged determination,
then we will wake up in St Louis wishing to find something which would
prove that O.J. really could not have killed his wife.
> --- In, "seventhray1" steve.sundur@
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In, maskedzebra <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > > There is little real courage among the posters here at FFL. Oh,
> > don't like that? Then refute what I have said.
> >
> >
> > Speaking of the "courage" of FFL posters, how about coming through
> > my request for you to elaborate on the blind spots of mine you
> > to in my reply to zarzari's post a little while ago.
> >

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