--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> Susan, if I could comment on a few of your details:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Susan" <wayback71@> wrote:
> >
> > Dear Awoel,
> > 
> > Since you are new here, in brief:  Vaj and Robin have had
> > a back and forth about Robin's long past actions for many
> > months now, maybe over a year.
> Robin's been here almost exactly seven months, since mid-June.
> > Vaj says he knew of people involved with Robin and was himself 
> > around in Ffld when Robin was doing his WTS thing.
> Not just in FF but also at Robin and his followers' hangout
> at Sunnyside in Canada; and with a delegation of several
> other people who visited Robin in DC as well. On that
> occasion, Vaj claims to have demonstrated to the others to
> their complete satisfaction, via some special techniques
> which he declines to disclose, that Robin was not
> enlightened. Robin acknowledges the visit but says Vaj was
> not with the delegation and never visited him.
> > Vaj feels Robin was unstable at the time and behaved "badly"
> > towards the people who chose to follow his lead.  He says he
> > saw this for himself
> Vaj has claimed to have been one of Robin's "confrontees."
> > and I think he had friends either involved with Robin or
> > trying to help others who had been sucked in get out.
> > 
> > Robin believes Vaj was not there in Ffld or at any of his 
> > appearances and did not see him or know him at that time.
> Not sure Robin ever said Vaj hadn't been in FF, but I could
> be wrong. Robin does deny Vaj ever attended one of his
> seminars and indeed that Vaj ever saw him "in the flesh."
> Don't know how Robin could know this last if Vaj was in
> Fairfield at the time; Robin was out and about, and Vaj
> could well have seen him from a distance, or even have
> attended one of the court hearings. I assume Robin meant
> something more like "face to face." But he'd have to
> clarify that himself.
> > Vaj mentions incidents and events, Robin says he could not
> > have been there and that he did not behave as badly as Vaj
> > says.
> Vaj has been very careful to avoid providing specifics that
> might be checked out. All the little tidbits he doles out,
> he could have found out from someone else who had firsthand
> knowledge.
> The picture Vaj paints is fragmented. It sounds to me as if
> he has a little list of notes and drops one or two into his
> posts from time to time.
> (There's a wonderful line in Gilbert and Sullivan's Mikado
> in which Poo-Bah, who has been accused of making stuff up,
> defends himself by referring to the made-up items as "merely corroborative 
> detail, intended to give artistic
> verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing
> narrative." At this, Pitti-Sing exclaims in disgust:
> "Corroborative detail indeed! Corroborative fiddlestick!")
> Anyway, Robin's been put in the position of having to prove
> a negative, which he can't possibly do without details from
> Vaj. So it's essentially been a standoff, one Vaj has
> lovingly nurtured.
> It might also be noted that Vaj has been preoccupied with
> Robin on FFL literally for *years*. It's clearly some kind
> of personal vendetta on Vaj's part, but Vaj refuses to
> disclose the basis for it.
> <snip>
> > The thing is, Robin has described in detail his change of
> > belief system and how he gave up his enlightenment somehow
> > and converted to Catholicism.
> As I understand it from his posts, he converted to
> Catholicism first, then after some time as a practicing
> Catholic decided Catholicism was incompatible with the
> entire spiritual context of enlightenment and that
> enlightenment was fundamentally a deception. So he began to
> work on casting off the enlightenment. At some point after
> that he gave up on Catholicism too. (I believe that's the
> sequence, but I don't know the time frame.) A lot of folks
> here appear to have missed that last step, but he's been
> quite explicit about it.

Thanks for the clarity on these points.  Your memory is super, and I had missed 
some of the info entirely since I did not read all the relevant posts.  I did 
miss that Robin is no longer a practicing Catholic.

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