--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater <no_reply@...> wrote:
> I know I have come into this whole argument late, like months late, and I may 
> be missing some essential pieces but bear with me. Robin's open letter admits 
> that he, in the most literal terms, hit people during the Sunnyside days. Not 
> to put too fine a point on it there were no seminars in those days. This was 
> a close-knit group of friends who loved and appreciated Robin before his 
> Arosa experience and who were "in" on his early days after returning from 
> Switzerland. This was intimate stuff. A tiny house in Vic West, 10-12 people 
> often coming together for dinners and social gatherings. It was intensely 
> private and very unorganized and spontaneous. There were no lights, no 
> cameras no ideas for expanding anything beyond those confined walls of the 
> Sunnyside house, all 900 sq. feet of it. All of this was between friends. 
> They knew and trusted Robin and they were willing participants in this new 
> adventure with this newly "enlightened" man who was part of a tradition they 
> were also involved in - TM. It was a heady experience and it was unknown. As 
> far as they were concerned they were spending an evening eating, talking and 
> open to whatever the "divine drama" might reveal. They were there on their 
> own volition.
> So, if we are getting technical here, and we seem to be, Robin (as I outlined 
> in my post a few days ago) was not a physically violent man within the 
> context of his organization, the World Teacher Seminar. Hitting etc. was not 
> a technique he employed to confront at the time Vaj claimed to be involved. 
> Vaj, as a reasonable person, would not be able to comment on times and events 
> he was not there for just as I would not be able to. Sunnyside pre-dated both 
> of us.
> For Vaj to be accurate he can only reveal what he witnessed, either on video 
> or live. Robin has "confessed" to using physical force pre seminar days. He 
> claims in the title of his open letter that he had "lied" about hitting 
> because even though he had hit but not within the time frame of Vaj's 
> assertions.
> Does this make a difference in the grand scheme of things? Do we now brand 
> Vaj a liar because according to my "evidence" it did not occur when he said 
> it did? Do we brand Robin a liar because hitting really had occurred but 
> under different contexts and conditions that Vaj was privy too? I don't 
> bloody well know. What I do know is there are probably apologies due on both 
> sides. Will this ever happen? Who knows? Does it matter? Probably. Can we all 
> get on with our lives if we just drop it? Definitely. Good night.

Thanks for the clarification, Ann. When others inevitably start discussing this 
in the context you've provided, it will be interesting to see what role the 
various players on FFLife decide to assume either in defense of Vaj or Robin. 
Pass the popcorn. 

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