On 01/30/2012 08:02 PM, Buck wrote:
> People often ask me why I care about these things of the TMmovement?
> My interest and care is simple.  I've said it before several times.  The last 
> time I enumerated it was in this post:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/298163
> -Buck in FF

And probably why some of us here are happy we don't live in Fairfield 
though I am a little envious of your high speed broadband.  AT&T and 
Comcast are too greedy to provide such to urban areas.  I think rural 
Sebastopol about 50 miles away has high speed (1 gbps) fiber by Sonic.  
The dummies who run this town should have done that rather than giving 
AT&T cart blanche to lay fiber.  So much of Sonoma and Marin county 
towns are old hippie hangouts with lots of Indiaphiles living there.  
Fairfield is like Sonoma in the cornfields.

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