--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> wrote:
> > <snip>
> > > > Hey Steve, how come we haven't heard from Vaj? Just when he 
> > > > had an opportunity to come clean and mop up the details of his 
> > > > messy business with Robin, he went MIA. We haven't heard a 
> > > > peep out of him ever since Ann assured him that if a tape 
> > > > existed of Robin hitting someone between 1983-1986 she would 
> > > > have known about it. 
> > > > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/302767
> > > 
> > > Raunchy, I don't think you're clear on this "playing by 
> > > the rules" thang that Steve referred to above. If what
> > > you're hoping to achieve is to restart the tired olde
> > > "Vaj is a liar" routine that you and Judy can't let go
> > > of
> > 
> > And that Barry and Curtis are desperate to flush down
> > the memory hole because it was never resolved, and they
> > want to keep it that way. Robin and Ann have both made
> > themselves accountable; Vaj has not.
> What are you accusing me of?  Being desperate to flush WHAT
> down a memory hole? What contrived BS.

You having trouble with reading comprehension, Curtis?
Try reading what Barry said before reading my comment.

> Robin copped to doing it, we don't need a tape. That routine
> is over with his admission. He didn't cop to calling Vaj a
> liar when he knew it was true.  He did the parsing dance.

As Robin said, he didn't deny anything he knew to be true.
He denied what he was being accused of. And the issue of
whether Vaj lied about other aspects of this is still wide

> Vaj has reasons not to play this out online with people he 
> considers hostile and some he considers unstable.

Maybe he shouldn't have started playing it at all online,
then, don't you think?

What exactly do you think Vaj accomplished, Curtis? How
does what he did benefit any of us?

> With people who don't attack him the way you do, he communicates
> offline, as he invited Robin to do.

Robin didn't attack Vaj?? Ooopsie!

> Robin chose not to knowing
> that to preserve his anonymity here, Vaj would be at a
> disadvantage to defend himself.

Seems you aren't above a little mind-reading yourself, eh?

If I wanted to maintain my privacy, Vaj is the *last*
person I'd want to have access to my email address.

> He could have taken it all offline as Vaj suggested.  With my
> last little run in with he who will not be named, I completely
> understand Vaj's reasons for not providing more details, all
> of which are now unnecessary since the big confession. Vaj
> could have seen it all in a dream, it doesn't matter now.  He
> was vindicated by the source himself.

Only Vaj's very last version of his striking-students
claim was vindicated, as I pointed out to you in my
response to your attack on Robin. By that time he'd
walked it back so it wasn't in such conflict with what
Robin admitted to. In that post Vaj even labeled one of
the early versions of his claim as a false rumor that
had been propagated *by TM TBs*.

> Isn't it interesting that the two people who do communicate
> with Vaj offline are most confident that he is being honest
> about his participation in TM.  I wonder why that is.... 

Easier to be brainwashed in friendly private communications,
I'd say.

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