Returning to one point...

--- In, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
<anartaxius@...> wrote:
> Thank you for responding to this. Some comments below in your reply.
> --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > > There is a lot of independence of thought here. Judy, Curtis, 
> > > Barry, Ann, Emily, Susan, and the list goes on. Because no
> > > one here is physically interacting on a personal level of
> > > direct human contact, those personal head-to-head factors
> > > that exert control over others are absent. Posting online, 
> > > anonymously or not, is a much freer way to interact with 
> > > others than face to face. Certain issues about propriety
> > > etc., do not arise. People are more courageous online. Those
> > > that might not be able to stand up to Robin's antics in
> > > person, could, online, do so.
> > 
> > Which antics would these be, Xeno?
> I used the term 'antics' as a catch-all summation of various 
> posters here describing his interaction with them years past.

Which posters were these who interacted with Robin in
years past? Ann, of course, but the only other of whom
I'm aware would be Vaj, who claims to have been around
him then but has been awfully vague about what he
observed. And for that matter, I have a very hard time
imagining that Ann would ever have had the slightest bit
of difficulty standing up to Robin in person. Maybe she
would like to comment on this.

> I do not have any personal experience with this. But some of
> what he has written recently and in one exchange I did have
> with him here on FFL seemed to feel to me like what they
> described his having been. An informal impression.

Out of curiosity, I went back and read that exchange.
It's a good one, thoughtful and insightful on both sides,
if not entirely cordial. But I don't see anything in
Robin's side of it that I'd be inclined to connect with
what little has been described here of Robin's "having
been." Could you be more specific?

If anyone else is interested, the preface to the exchange
begins here:

It's a takedown of Barry by Robin (one that happens to
have put into words my own sense of Barry in a way I
was utterly unable to articulate). The thread continues
with Xeno commenting on Robin's post, Robin commenting
on Xeno's, and two or three more exchanges of posts
between them.

The final exchange was brief, and Robin's was the last
comment. His concluding statement:

"Anyhow, Xenophaneros, something admirable here, and I extend
my best (and non-manipulative) intentions towards you. In the
quiet eddying of the waves I feel something has made itself
felt in me, something that is good. That would I must suppose,
be you, the person that you really are."

I thought this was interesting in light of the comment in
your initial post, that you thought "Robin found dealing
with people here unsatisfying because he could not exert
the kind of control over people's ideas here in the way
that would satisfy his desire to be liked."

The remark of Robin's I just quoted doesn't really seem to
fit this appraisal, does it? It's not exactly as if you
had knuckled under to Robin's ideas (or he to yours) in
the course of that exchange, rather to the contrary.

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