Thanks Raunchydog, by the way, I like that new picture you posted of yourself. 
It is perhaps the only one ever taken by a camera mounted on a computer that 
makes someone look human!

It is fine, I don't really believe that this "conspiracy" is occurring but it 
is a little bit like being Alice after falling down the rabbit hole. There are 
all sorts of interesting creatures, sometimes speaking in riddles and certainly 
with a history older than mine at FFL (In Wonderland). So, it is fine. Just 
when you think your head is about to be chopped off along comes the Mad Hatter 
to rescue you or Tweedle Dee makes an appearance and diffuses the tension. 
Curtis asked me if I was enjoying/having fun on the site. My answer is if I am 
still around then "yes".

Thanks again for your concern, a little nurturing is always beautiful.

--- In, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@...> wrote:
> There's no conspiracy to deceive you, Ann. I'm sorry you feel that way. What 
> you're dealing with is a confluence of personalities, warts and all, some 
> more warty than others. When you speak from the heart, as you do, you'd 
> expect most folks to respond in kind. It's unnerving and upsetting to one's 
> sense of fairness when they don't. It's hard to know who to trust on FFLife 
> until you put yourself out there. It doesn't take long to figure out who's a 
> straight shooter and who plays games with your head. If you're feeling 
> manipulated, consider the source. It's always your choice to either avoid or 
> confront the warts as they appear. We can be fun and we can be nasty, it's a 
> bag of mixed nuts. Pass the popcorn and enjoy the show.
> --- In, awoelflebater <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Yes but Vaj, when people post publicly they are expressing a viewpoint. You 
> > have been posting for example but there is not one thing in any of your 
> > posts to make me think you feel any differently about Robin than you did 
> > three weeks ago. Unless I am missing something, and it wouldn't be the 
> > first time, there may be a play within a play going on at FFL. For all I 
> > know you are all in some secret agreement to say the opposite of what you 
> > really mean, or a few of you are in collusion to pretend one thing is 
> > happening when something quite different is going on. I may be the butt of 
> > some gigantic joke. I have no way of knowing. So I just read what people 
> > have to say and go by the literal interpretation of their words. You say I 
> > shouldn't assume changes in POV aren't going on. OK. But I don't see any 
> > proof of. I would be happy to be proven wrong. However, this is not a big 
> > issue for  me, just a passing observation. By the way, your post was a 
> > little hard to decipher so perhaps I have not been addressing it clearly. 
> > Maybe it's all part of that big behind-the-curtain-joke going on.
> > 
> > --- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > On Feb 7, 2012, at 5:10 PM, awoelflebater wrote:
> > > 
> > > > I am not evaluating anything other than what has gone on in the three 
> > > > weeks I have been on FFL and that is no one, within the 3 week time 
> > > > frame, has significantly changed their stance in their opinions of 
> > > > Robin, who he is , what he was doing on FFL etc. etc. etc.
> > > 
> > > Because we can't note changes in perception of others appreciation unless 
> > > they decide to exhaustively and sensitively document it in writing ( 
> > > an email!), you probably shouldn't assume that changes in POV aren't 
> > > going on. Few are willing to do this. I personally no longer would waste 
> > > more than an occasional detailed email here - but I went through a bunch 
> > > of perspectives on R. that you'll never see, unless I tell you privately.
> > >
> >

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