"We are the Materialists, one of the schools of Indian
Philosophy, founded by Brhaspati, and very old.

We have always existed, and we will exist at the end of

Our teacher is Ajitakeshakambalin, (of the hair-blanket),
so-called because he wanted to be having a hair-blanket
wrapped about him at all times.

We believe in four elements. Our motto is "emphasize the
substance, ignore the shadows".

Perception is rejected as a valid means of knowledge and
we reject inference as a leap in the dark. Verbal testimony
is a lie. In fact we reject all means of knowledge.

Earth, water, fire, and air are reality. Enjoyment is the
true end of human existence. Consciousness is a product
of the elements, an epi-phenomenon, and the senses are
the by-product of matter.

There is no other world and no individual soul: death is
liberation. There is no returning here again. The three
authors of the Vedas were clowns, buffoons, and knaves.

Eat, drink and be merry. Pleasure is a fact, desired by
all. After all, all humans are animals, and satisfaction is
as natural as life itself."

Vatsyana: "No pleasure should be neglected."

'Complete Kama Sutra'
By Alain Danielou
Park Street Press, 1994
http://tinyurl.com/7qbx5hz <http://tinyurl.com/7qbx5hz>

Note: If you have any doubts concerning this information
you must be consulting with Sanjaya - he was neither a
theist, an athiest nor a non-thiest nor a tarka, but a
Skeptic who doubted everything. But, be forewarned to
never to consult the works of one Charvaka or Gosala.

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