> Are you saying that we are gods? So, we 
> should enjoy everything that we do and
> have here on earth?
So, you're not familiar with the Kama Sutra,
or Brhaspati, Sanjaya or Gosala? Go figure.

In Indian philosophy there are Materialists, 
otherwise known as Realists, and then there 
are the Transcendentalists (composers of the

Most of our knowledge comes through our eyes 
and sometimes our ears. Other forms of valid 
knowledge we get through the verbal testimony 
of others, inference, and through the 
scriptures, that is, anything that is 
recorded by any means, graphic or textual. 

To review: the valid sources of knowledge:

1. Sense experience. 
2. Verbal testimony. 
3. Inference. 
4. Scriptures.

Common sense, that is, sight, sound, hearsay, 
and the scriptures, are very often NOT valid 
sources of human knowledge. And why? 

The question is: 

"What are thoughts? Are thoughts physical 
objects that we can see with our eyes or hear 
with our ears? Are thoughts transcendental 
sources of valid knowledge? Thus came the

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