On Feb 11, 2012, at 9:46 PM, awoelflebater wrote:

> I never said  you had an obligation to defend others, this is something you 
> need to decide for yourself if you want to do or not. What I am saying is 
> that in the case of your post to Robin you were battering at Robin in order 
> to somehow absolve Vaj, gloating even. Is there not a way to make a point 
> that you think is valid without undermining the other person? And I have to 
> say (God, I hate beating this very dead and stinky horse), I still don't see 
> the rationale for why Vaj was right. He said he saw a tape of a seminar where 
> someone was being struck. Robin had said he never struck anyone at a seminar. 
> I said I don't remember ever seeing him strike a person at a seminar. Why do 
> you still say Vaj was correct? Because Robin hit someone at Sunnyside, in a 
> private house that pre-dated Vaj's supposed involvement with Robin by at 
> least 4 years? Anyway, I don't get it.

I can't speak for Curtis, but I suspect that he trusts the fact that I've 
stated clearly that a benefactor of R's and his wife insisted I view this video 
- they wouldn't take no for an answer - and that all the people I knew locally 
severed any connection after that tape surfaced and circulated. I've also 
clarified my dim remembrance of the video to point out it looked as if Robindra 
was at the end of a long (and unsuccessful) confrontation and, as if in 
exasperation, began pounding his fists on the person. It looked like a person 
at their wits end. What it was not was a person punching a person, or hitting 
them in the face or anything of that sort. But this video represented a "last 
straw" for many late hangers on.

Once Robin admitted to hitting someone, despite numerous lies to the contrary, 
the cat was out of the bag.

Understand these were also the same people who I went with to confront R. later 
in person, the so-called ego food incident.

If I can get an answer as to what confrontation this was and who the person 
was, I'll drop you a line privately both so you'll know and because I'd love to 
hear your perspective.

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