On 02/12/2012 04:46 PM, wgm4u wrote:
> Don't you think taxing the 'rich' is a panacea for all our woes?

The economy was better under the Clinton tax rates which taxed the rich 
more.  And at the end of his term we had a surplus!  Seems to me taxing 
the rich more works!

> Why don't we just through the American Dream under the bus while we're at it!!

You wingnuts already have thrown it under the bus!

> Yep, Social Security and Medicare and all the ublic pensions have to be cut, 
> cut, cut, for the general good. Let's not end up like the silly boys and 
> girls (Public Unions) of Greece!  WE can do better!

You just want to give the government all that money you paid for social 
security?  I didn't take you for being that altruistic, Billy. :-D

> Is it fair that the Rich pay most of the taxes?

Of course, because they benefit the most or do you have trouble 
understanding that?

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu<noozguru@...>  wrote:
>> And what short sighted ideas are those, Billy?  Please elaborate.
>> And which entitlements?  You mean like the Social Security and Medicare
>> you paid into?
>> On 02/12/2012 03:48 PM, wgm4u wrote:
>>> Taxing the 'rich' alone, will never get us out of our present condition, we 
>>> need to cut spending and entitlements (and government pensions). Your short 
>>> sighted ideas are the same as those leading Greece in to bankruptcy.....
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu<noozguru@>   wrote:
>>>> That's an opinion by Jarod Bernstein, an academic.  I wonder if he ever
>>>> worked in the real world?  He has a problem defining a small business.
>>>> I watched a business grow from one guys apartment to a company of over
>>>> 400 people.  As it got to be over 200 it started having problems.
>>>> Entrepreneurs like to grow their companies so they can sell them off for
>>>> big profits but the process becomes miserable both for the founder and
>>>> employees.  Going public with a company makes things worse as though it
>>>> supplies financing it also makes the company less flexible and it shifts
>>>> it's focus from pleasing the customer to pleasing the stockholder.
>>>> Both the Republican and Democratic parties should be supporting small
>>>> business.  The Republicans lie to small business people to gain their
>>>> support while passing pull the ladder up laws for the big corporations.
>>>> Union support of the Democrats scares the hell out of small businesses.
>>>> The tech sector avoid unionization by simply treating their employees
>>>> right.  That's not easy to do as you have to have managers willing to
>>>> put their foot down and not allow turning the company into a monastery
>>>> where tech geeks turn into tech monks looking for their badge of honor
>>>> by working around the clock with diminishing results.   HP did a study
>>>> back in the 1990s that working more than 50 hours a week produced
>>>> diminishing results.  Creative development is also not understood by
>>>> many suits as it is more an artistic discipline so hours have to be
>>>> flexible.  You may have someone who wants to spend untold hours cracking
>>>> a problem but then you have to let them take the rest of the week off to
>>>> let them recuperate.  Your 9-to-5er's don't understand that.
>>>> I love working in a small company because they are more fun and you get
>>>> to connect with everyone.  But as they grow larger you lose that
>>>> connection and work becomes a grind.
>>>> And then there is the problem that we may have produced most of what we
>>>> need and don't need a whole lot of innovation for the time being.  And
>>>> some companies say they are doing just fine with the number of employees
>>>> they have now and don't need to hire.  And we can't have meaningless
>>>> "make work" jobs just to employ people.  Times have changed and our
>>>> establishment hasn't.  It needs to adjust or be replaced with an
>>>> establishment that recognizes there is only enough work for people to
>>>> work 1/3 of the year.  There's the problem.
>>>> On 02/12/2012 08:16 AM, marekreavis wrote:
>>>>> I don't know myself, but that talking-point (used by both Republicans and 
>>>>> Democrats) may be just another sounds good foundational point without 
>>>>> much foundation.
>>>>> http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/24/opinion/small-businesses-arent-key-to-the-economic-recovery.html
>>>>> (Perhaps the New York Times is a suspect source, but the numbers they use 
>>>>> seem pretty objective.)
>>>>> ***
>>>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wgm4u"<anitaoaks4u@>    wrote:
>>>>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu<noozguru@>    wrote:
>>>>>>> On 02/11/2012 04:41 PM, wgm4u wrote:
>>>>>>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu<noozguru@>     wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 02/11/2012 02:31 PM, wgm4u wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Effectively, there are no more 'Rich' people to tax in Greece, Oh 
>>>>>>>>>> NO, what are we going to do? Cut the public sector (Unions)  
>>>>>>>>>> parasites,that's what!
>>>>>>>>>> http://news.yahoo.com/protests-greek-cabinet-approves-debt-deal-104956543.html
>>>>>>>>> About  every 80 years the rich corner all the wealth and want to 
>>>>>>>>> impose
>>>>>>>>> "austerity" on their serfs.  The serfs rise up and murder the rich.  
>>>>>>>>> So
>>>>>>>>> it goes.
>>>>>>>> We need more rich, not less; is it fair that the rich pay MOST of the 
>>>>>>>> taxes?
>>>>>>> Absolutely, they benefit the most from our laws.  But you get more rich
>>>>>>> by keeping the obeisantly rich from accumulating too much money.  IOW,
>>>>>>> more millionaires fewer or no billionaires.  You accomplish that with
>>>>>>> progressive taxation which are not there to benefit the government but
>>>>>>> to discourage the rich from hording money.  We need rehab centers for
>>>>>>> money junkies.  There's a business you might get rich at, Billy. :-D
>>>>>>> Love the comments in that article BTW.  Shows how stupid most people are
>>>>>>> when it comes to economics.
>>>>>> Taxing millionaires and Billionaires isn't going to cut it, Obama wants 
>>>>>> to tax small business as well, (the engine of our economy), that's why 
>>>>>> the Republicans are against his re-distribution schemes.

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