There aren't enough active meditators on the planet to make any such 
conclusions via cause and effect. There's no evidence for the ME.
How ya comin' on the list of Sins?
What if somebody ordered some Chinese food at the Olive Garden? Is that a sin 
and would the punishment be 10 slashes with a wet noodle?
What if you're a Civil War Re-enactor and you come to the battle on the Union 
side wearing gray? Is that sin and what's the punishment?

--- In, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote:
> Non-meditation
> It seems to me that many non-meditators have forgotten—or never knew—what it 
> is like to suffer an unhappy collision with scientific rationality. We are 
> open to good evidence and sound argument as a matter of principle, and are 
> generally willing to follow wherever they may lead. Certain of us have made 
> careers out of bemoaning the failure of people to adopt this same attitude. 
> However, I recently stumbled upon an example of secular intransigence that 
> may give readers a sense of how spiritual people feel when their methods as 
> technologies are criticized. As you will see but for the rigorous research 
> conducted it suggests that it is worth thinking
> about. We can call the phenomenon of non-meditation "the delusion". 
> The unhappy truth about non-meditation has been scientifically established to 
> a moral certainty: That non-meditation is bad for you. It is bad for your 
> children. It is bad for your neighbors and their children. Non-meditation is 
> also completely unnecessary, because in the developed world we suppose we 
> invariably have better and more effective alternatives for meditation even in 
> our homes. If you
> are a non-meditator in the United States, Europe, Australia, or any other 
> developed nation, you are most likely doing so recreationally—and the 
> persistence of this habit is a major source of anti-spiritual pollution in 
> cities throughout the world.
>  In fact, non-meditation often contributes more harmful parameters of 
> negativity particulates to the urban air than any other source.
> Certainly a human life is a terrible potential to waste in non-meditation. 
> -Buck in FF

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