 From: maharishiya...@maharishi.net
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To:  wle...@aol.com
Sent: 2/5/2012 10:19:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj:  Feb 20: Maha Shiva Ratri

       New  Plan for Maharishi Jyotish and Maharishi Yagya®  programs 
The basis of all Maharishi  JyotishSM and  Maharishi Yagya services is the 
Comprehensive Life  Kundali (CLK)—an elaborate preparation and study of  the 
birth chart or horoscope of the individual and his  or her closely related 
family members: mother, father,  husband or wife, children. The CLK is 
prepared only  once in a lifetime by a panel of experts in the  Maharishi 
program and will be an all-time  standard reference for predictions, 
consultations,  Muhurtas, compatibilities and Maharishi Yagya  recommendations. 
Please contact the Maharishi Yagya  office in your Region for more information 
on  obtaining your Comprehensive Life Kundali, or visit  our website at:
www.MaharishiYagya.org   Maharishi  Channel Celebrates the Vedic Calendar
Did  you know that on the Maharishi Channel, available on  the Internet, 
you can view special half-hour programs  to enjoy different days of the Vedic 
Calendar? These  programs include Vedic recitation to enliven the Laws  of 
Nature specific to the day. For more information  and the daily schedule 
visit: _www.maharishichannel.in/_ 
tcy5uZXRzdWl0ZS5jb20*&url=http://www.maharishichannel.in/) The  Vedic 
Calendar program is on Channel 3.  SHARE  THE KNOWLEDGE
Invite your friends to  subscribe to the Maharishi Yagya program 
newsletter,  by visiting  MaharishiYagya.org/contact.html
or simply  forward this e-mail to them.  The  Maharishi Yagya program is 
made available only through  donations to Maharishi Vedic Foundation, a 
non-profit  organization exempt from tax under section 501(c)(3)  of the 
Revenue Service codes. Contributions  to Maharishi Vedic Foundation are 
tax-deductible.  Maharishi Vedic Foundation is dedicated to enlivening  Vedic 
tradition by providing Maharishi Yagya  performances for the benefit of the 
individual and the  whole world.   
Privacy policy: We do not make our list available  to other organizations. 
Copyright 2012 Maharishi Vedic Foundation. All  Rights Reserved.
Maharishi  Yagya®, Maharishi Vedic Astrology Maharishi Jyotish  and 
Maharishi Vedic are protected trademarks and are  used in the U.S. under 
license or 
with  permission       

Maharishi Yagya  Performances
During the Day of 
Maha  Shiva Ratri 
Promote Spiritual and 
Material  Progress         
20th February 2012  
Maha Shiva Ratri

In the ancient Vedic  tradition Shiva is known as the embodiment of  
perfect silence. The Sanskrit word ‘Shiva’ has  been translated as ‘the pure 
, because he  represents pure consciousness beyond all  activities of the 
three gunas (Sattva, Rajas,  Tamas). The trident he is carrying in his right  
hand represents his sovereignty over the field  of activities of the three 

Maha Shiva Ratri
Day of  Shiva
20th  February 2012  
Awakening Shiva in  One’s Consciousness
Promotes Enlightenment  and Material Progress 
Shiva is said to be the  destroyer of ignorance. He is often represented  
as being immersed in deep meditation. When the  mind turns inward in the 
practice of the  Transcendental Meditation®  program, it comes closer and 
to the total  value of knowledge within. At every step the  ignorance 
decreases and the knowledge increases.  In the Vedic texts knowledge is said to 
be the  greatest purifier. The name ‘Shiva’ has  therefore also been 
translated as ‘the One who  purifies everyone’. Purification of mind and  body 
the basis for spiritual and material  progress. 
Maharishi Yagya performances on this special  day of Shiva bring knowledge, 
wisdom,  enlightenment and fulfillment to the individual  and help to 
accomplish the following purposes:  

    *   To promote spiritual progress  
    *   For gaining knowledge  
    *   Prevention of illness and danger  
    *   To improve relationship  
    *   To promote freedom from obstacles  
    *   To promote fulfillment of desires  

    *   Removal of resistances and troubles for  happiness and health in 
life and promotion of  positive support  
    *   Promoting good fortune; elimination of  obstacles and promotion of 
supportive influence  on the basis of the Kundali 

Maharishi Yagya  Performances Improve One’s Life 
Maharishi Yagya performances  enliven the Laws of Nature in your own  
physiology and harness the power of Natural Law  to fulfill your desires. If 
are interested  in Maharishi Jyotish consultations and Maharishi  Yagya 
performances, please contact our office  for further details 

Jai Guru Dev

For  services in USA and Canada please email or telephone  your Regional 
Office (below) or visit our website at:  www.MaharishiYagya.org     
Maharishi Yagya Programs –  Time Zone 9 Eastern  States  and Provinces
(USA: CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, MA,  ME, MD, NJ, NC, NH, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, VA, 
VT,  WV) (Canada: NB, NL, NS, PE, QC) 
530-877-8332 (phone)
530-327-7736  (fax)
_MaharishiYagyaTZ9@Maharishi.net_ (mailto:maharishiyagya...@maharishi.net)  
Maharishi  Yagya Programs – Time Zone 10 Central  States  and Provinces
(USA: AL, AZ, AR, CO, ID, IL,  IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, 
NM,  ND, OK, SD, TN, TX, UT, WI, WY) (Canada:  AB, MB, NU, ON, SK) 
503-639-0464 (phone)
503-639-3860  (fax)
Maharishi  Yagya Programs – Time Zone 11 Western  States  and Provinces
(USA: AK, CA, HI, NV, OR,  WA) (Canada: BC, NT, YT) 
530-877-8332 (phone)
530-327-7736  (fax)
Outside the U.S.A.  and Canada, please contact the Maharishi Yagya  
program's international office in Switzerland at  +4141-825-1525 phone, 
+4141-825-1526 fax, _Jyotish-Yagya@Maharishi.net_ 

©2012 Maharishi Vedic Foundation. All  rights  reserved. 
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