--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Ahhh, thanks for clarifying. I guess Curtis just jumped 
> > > the gun a little and didn't realize you were unaware of 
> > > that post before he was. 
> > 
> > Curtis was commenting on the fact that over the many
> > years that Nablus has been "Buddhist bashing" on this
> > forum, we haven't heard a single word about it from
> > Judy. And we wouldn't have this time unless Curtis
> > had prodded her.

False, as I've already pointed out.
> > It's *OK* in Judy's book for Nabby (and Jim, who used
> > to do the same thing) to bash Buddhists, thinking 
> > that doing so will bother Vaj or I. She has established
> > a long, long, many-year history of not feeling that this
> > is out of place. Somehow it's only criticism of TMers
> > that she feels is evil.

Also false.

> > Curtis was pointing out her hypocrisy. As usual, you
> > didn't get it.
> If Judy disputes this, she can simply find and 
> repost any post she has made taking Nabby or Jim
> to task over their consistent Tibet-bashing and
> Buddhist-bashing over the years. I doubt she'll 
> be able to find and repost a single one, much 
> less more than one.

Irrelevant, since (as Barry knows) neither Curtis's
post nor my criticism of Nabby's post had anything
to do with Buddhist- or Tibet-bashing.
> The thing is, neither Nabby or I are Buddhists.
> I have never taken refuge or joined any formal
> Buddhist order, and never will, although I have
> learned some techniques from Buddhist teachers.

Barry has referred to himself as "Buddhistic,"
just for the record.

> Both Nabby and Jim just take this approach 
> because they're still "stung" by things we've
> said poking fun at TMers, and they hope that
> bashing Buddhists and Buddhism will similarly
> get under our skin.

Somehow in Barry's mind it's perfectly OK for
Barry and Vaj to "poke fun" at TMers (read:
viciously attack and insult), but it's not OK
for anybody to give them a taste of their own

> History has proven that it doesn't. Neither of
> us is *like* them -- or Judy -- so identified 
> with a *group* that anything said about that
> group is perceived as a personal insult or 
> attack. That's *their* samskara, not ours.

I won't speak for Nabby, but that sure as hell isn't
*my* samskara, and Barry knows it.

> I've studied with Yaqui shamans, too. I wonder
> how long it'll take Nabby to start bashing them
> now that I've pointed it out. And for Judy to
> quietly sit back and allow him to do so. :-)

Looks like Barry really *has* been stung by Nabby's

> But if Curtis does a funny Tyler Perry riff on
> someone that Judy identifies with as both a 
> woman and a <genuflect> TMer, he's evil and she
> goes bat shit crazy over it.

As Barry knows, my primary complaint about that
riff was its fat-bashing, and secondarily that this
was directed against a woman. Had nothing to do 
with Oprah being a TMer.

 If I or Vaj point 
> out how idiotic many of the TM beliefs and 
> practices are , in Judy's mind that is nigh 
> unto a hate crime. Or at least she'll "spin"
> it that way, because that'll allow her to do
> what she really wants to do -- bash one of her
> perceived "enemies."


> Nabby posting this photo didn't bother me in 
> the least, nor did his trying to associate it
> with me.

I didn't criticize Nabby on Barry's behalf, as
Barry knows.

> I just shrugged and moved on to the 
> next post. But Judy would have never said a 
> word about it if Curtis hadn't called her on
> her silence.


Plus which, as I've already noted, Curtis's
post had nothing to do with Buddhist-bashing,
and he had zero reason to think I'd have seen
Nabby's post 20 minutes after he made it. It 
was dishonest for him to "call me on [my]
silence" before I'd had the chance to read
Nabby's post.

 Her claim to have not reacted
> because she "hadn't seen it yet" is an absolute 
> lie, and her own past history on this forum 
> proves it.

False, and false.

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