The realization just struck me that this is very possibly
an accurate analogy. 

You can tell as they're being interviewed that FOX News 
producers and presenters really don't KNOW that they are
biased, and that they slant the news the way they see it,
often at the expense of the facts of the situation. They
really believe that they *are* "Fair And Balanced."

So does Judy Stein. 

She presents her version of the news every day here on
Fairfield Life, often presented in a written tone of voice
that presents it as absolute fact, not "color commentary."
As does FOX News. When called on mistakes, misstatements, 
and actual slander, just like FOX News she always doubles 
down, rather than man up and admit that she was wrong. 
When asked to describe her impact on her readers, she 
always portrays herself as having "won." So does Rupert 
Murdoch's FOX News.

I'm thinkin' they're twins separated at birth. 

What think you?

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