--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> >
> > On Apr 10, 2012, at 11:46 AM, awoelflebater wrote:
> >
> > > Ah, but I think you confuse moodmaker with someone who could 
> > > appear egotistical, even a megalomaniac.
> >
> > I was tapping into his obvious use of drama and the need to 
> > be both director and actor. Draaahma-maker = Moodmaker.
> No, they both have "maker"on the end but they are not equating 
> for me. And I am not sure he created drama, I think he tapped 
> into where life could be dramatic if you stirred the pot enough.
> >
> > > I believe his sentimentality was actually sincerity, as 
> > > misguided about the movement as it may or may not have been. 
> > > I thought it was rather noble actually, his desire to uphold 
> > > what he felt was the best of who MMY was and what the Movement 
> > > could have stood for. So there was an element of 
> > > sentimentality, because in the end the whole thing didn't 
> > > quite pan out with regard to MMY or even Robin's
> > > enlightenment...

Not to mention "in terms of reality." :-)

> > > ...but his heart was in the right place.You have to
> > > admit he did believe in what he was doing and some of that 
> > > was not to rip things apart with regard to TM but to produce 
> > > a truer version of it. Not really what I would call a 
> > > moodmaker. More like a misguided warrior.

With all due respect, Ann, what this sounds like to me
is a bunch of moodmaking on *your* part, to "color" your
memories such that *you* feel "noble." 

Another interpretation of the events you are creating a 
mood about is that you were just sucked into the psychic
field of a charismatic narcissist, and now decades later
you're still trying to "ennoble" it and make it sound 
different, so that you don't have to deal with the strong
possibility that all that happened was that you had so
little discrimination at the time that you were perfect
fodder for a cult.

I am certainly willing to look at that interpretation of
my time with Rama. But I've never seen you deal with that
possible interpretation of Robin. It's as if you're still 
trying to impress him (assuming that he's lurking), and 
still hoping for the same "pat on the back" from him that 
you lived for at the time. 

It's your near inability to see any other side of him *but*
the "noble" side that makes me think you're mood-making.
Still. All these years later. 

Did you see *nothing* "mood-makey" about Robin's brief 
performance here on FFL? I ask because I saw little else,
and find it difficult to believe that someone as supposedly
intelligent as yourself saw none of it.

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