The most interesting studies on TM started to appear in 1980 with the first 
Pure Consciousness study. The latest study cited   in that passage was 1980. A 
clear pattern that I have pointed out to you before which you continue to deny 


--- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Apr 19, 2012, at 10:25 AM, Wilfried Richter wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > wilfried richter   Kolheimer Str. 14   27442 Gnarrenburg          
> > Tel.: 04763 1072    Fax: 04763 1074
> Other relaxation techniques have led
> to the same EEG profile [as TM], and studies that
> employed counter-balanced control relaxation
> conditions consistently found a lack
> of alpha power increases or even decreases
> when comparing relaxation or hypnosis to
> TM meditation (Morse et al., 1977; Tebecis,
> 1975; Warrenburg, Pagano, Woods, &
> Hlastala, 1980). Similarly, the initial claim
> that TM produces a unique state of consciousness
> different from sleep has been
> refuted by several EEG meditation studies
> that reported sleep-like stages during this
> technique with increased alpha and then
> theta power (Pagano, Rose, Stivers, & Warrenburg,
> 1976; Younger, Adriance, & Berger,
> 1975).
> To summarize, alpha global increases and
> alpha coherence mostly over frontal electrodes
> are associated with TM practice when
> meditating compared to baseline (Morse,
> Martin, Furst, & Dubin, 1977). This global
> alpha increase is similar to that produced
> by other relaxation techniques. The passive
> absorption during the recitation of the
> mantra, as practiced in this technique, produces
> a brain pattern that suggests a decrease
> of processing of sensory or motor information
> and of mental activity in general. Because
> alpha rhythms are ubiquitous and functionally
> non-specific, the claim that alpha
> oscillations and alpha coherence are desirable
> or are linked to an original and higher
> state of consciousness seem quite premature.
> - The Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness

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