--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
<anartaxius@...> wrote:

> Later studies tend to show the discovered effect, whatever it is, is usually 
> less, often much less than the initial studies implied, for with more 
> researchers, better ideas how to control for variables tend to come to the 
> fore. If the discovered effect has important implications, sample sizes in 
> later studies also tend to improve. Ideally each group (experimental group, 
> control group, etc.) in a study should contain at least several hundred 
> persons. This can present economic difficulties in getting a study done 
> properly.

I believe I pointed out that the US military is getting into meditation 
research in a big way. The two techniques they appear to be focusing on are 
mindfulness and TM. I am reasonably confident that whatever the military 
discovers will be based on impartial research because their orientation is on 
results, and not what simply confirms their own spiritual belief system.

It is entirely possible that TM will be found better on some measures, and 
mindfulness will be found better on some measures. I can live with that. I 
wonder if Vaj and Barry can.


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