--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> snip
> > ...stories claiming to have witnessed
> > him performing an actual miracle or demonstrating a 
> > siddhi. 
> It's not needed. Around the time of Jesus the people needed 
> those kind of proofs to strenghten their faith. 

Some have higher standards than you, even today. :-)

I mean, to you experiencing a taste while doing the
TMSP indicates a "real siddha." :-) In other cases, 
you have been satisfied by people merely *claiming* to
have seen Maharishi do something, or *claiming* to
have done it themselves. That isn't proof, by any

Proof would be performing a siddhi with an objective
component to it, like actually levitating and having
scientists measure it while doing the flying siddhi.
Maharishi couldn't do that, and none of his many 
students have ever been able to do that. So the bottom
line is that people's "faith" that they were -- or 
will ever be -- able to do such things is pure hearsay. 
And hearsay coming from those with a vested interest 
in continuing to believe in something they have spent 
thousands or tens of thousands of dollars for. 

I guess all I'm trying to say is that not everyone 
is as gullible as you are, Nabby. I mean, you still 
have faith that someone named Maitreya is going to
appear Any Day Now, 53 years after Benny Creme first
promised that he'd appear Any Day Now. That speaks
to a rather *high* degree of gullibility to me. Or,
if you prefer the term, faith. Blind, irrational 

> Even the ressurrection was physically done (by the Christ 
> who is now known as Maitreya) to strenghten the faith of 
> the followers. 
> Now not needed because these abilities are developed 
> naturally in those who bother to put in the time to 
> practise. Which is why you, and many with you on this 
> forum also need them, being too lazy to do any training 
> yourself.

We "trained" for many years, long enough to realize
that we'd been taken in by a charlatan, and that 
MMY's "siddhis" were an enormous con. You clearly
never learned that, and still subsist on blind faith.
Any Day Now, you believe. Yeah, right.  :-)

NO subjective report of a miracle or the performance
of a siddhi can EVER be trusted. Ditto any claim of
"higher states of consciousness." It doesn't matter 
whether it comes from the person claiming to have 
performed it (or attained it) themselves, or from 
someone claiming to have witnessed it. It's ALL pure 
hearsay until someone proves it scientifically. 

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