The perfect post for FFL. Here's the formula: 

1. Write something that slams the TMO. Talk vaguely about lies and abuse. 
Nothing specific is needed. 
2. Send it to the moderator, who will post it for you. 
3. Fly away, scot-free, leaving your poison behind.
4. Wait for the usual suspects to pile on.   

--- In, "Rick Archer" <rick@...> wrote:
> From: LSoma@... [mailto:LSoma@...] 
> Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 12:43 AM
> To: LSoma@...
> Subject: A song by Dan Folgelberg for the Fairfield Community: Lou Valentino
> Dear friends of Fairfield Iowa,
> It is my pleasure to announce that the TMO will be going through some
> changes over the next 6 months that will show the world that they have been
> sneaking around if you know what I mean. If you don't know what I mean: They
> hide the truth often and lie to protect their own agenda.
> This song by Dan Folgelberg is the song that reflects my feelings regarding
> the abusive power they have and how the karma that has been set in motion
> over the last 30 years will implode on itself. 
> It is the months of June, July, August and September of this year that the
> world will shake, rattle and roll with UFO sightings and all kinds of
> natural disasters. 
> Even Oprah will be amazed at how many people have been abused and neglected
> by this organization.
> Dan Fogelberg - Heart Hotels - YouTube
> <>  
> Love and Light,
> Lou Valentino

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