--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
<anartaxius@...> wrote:

> This is Spinoza's God, identical with Nature. This god does not correspond at 
> all with the conception of the god in Genesis. That idea got Spinoza kicked 
> out of his synagogue.

In the beginning Man (ADM) or Adam was androgynous (that's right both male and 
female), it was the *feeling side* (feminine side) of His/her nature that gave 
in to the temptation to eat of the forbidden fruit or (sex), the tree in the 
center of the garden.

Hence it was reported that the woman tempted Man, however it was merely his 
feminine side that gave in to the temptation which is still the case today. 

Hence 'he' lost his awareness of 'Paradise' and 'his eyes were opened' to what? 
to his humanity, the sexes were separated (taking thousands of years) and over 
the time of the Lemurian, Atlantian and Aryan periods we have what we have 

In Man, the feminine or feeling side is passive, in Woman the mental or 
reasoning side is passive, each possess the whole, neither is SUPERIOR! It was 
all part of the Divine Plan...

"And Their Eyes Were Opened, and They Knew": Genesis 3:7 and Luke 24:31

Sources-"The Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception".

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