> And universal consciousness may be more than just an
> idea; it may be the experiential realization of
> some people.

I guess the question there is whether you can trust
the experience to be what it appears to be or whether
it is just a consequence of jiggering around with our
heads via drugs or meditation or even mental illness
and concluding that because we have no boundaries that
must be how it is. Surely people in these states 
would be able to come up with some sort of testable
statement even if it only compares theoretically,
but I haven't seen any evidence for that, even king
Tony's "cognizance" only stems so far as a book he
read appearing in human physiology, whatever that
means (and I've read it - utterly surreal that any
scientist could be so uncritical)

The universe we perceive in our heads is a picture
based on info from our senses, change the way bits
of our brain relate to create that picture and you
have the unbounded sense that we all know and love,
is how I see it.

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