Awww Barry, were you having a bad day? (Sorry, I tend to skip around when 
scanning information.)  Your subsequent posts were significantly better.  

 From: turquoiseb <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 12:29 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Difference between existence and consciousness is 

--- In, "John" <jr_esq@...> wrote:
> --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@> 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, "John" <jr_esq@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > According to MMY, everything is based in consciousness. 
> > > > If there wasn't any consciousness, there wouldn't be any 
> > > > existence or creativity.  So, for any universe to manifest, 
> > > > IMO there would have to be a consciousness to create width, 
> > > > length, and height, at the very least.  The dimension of 
> > > > time could be optional.  IOW, this universe would be 
> > > > similar to an empty box and nothing else.
> > > 
> > > But why would there need to be a consciousness? There are 
> > > simpler ways to get the universe going without recourse to 
> > > anything mystical.
> > 
> > Not to mention the concept of an eternal, never-created
> > universe. I know from past interactions that John is 
> > incapable of entertaining even the thought of this, but
> > since you're new here I thought I'd see if you could
> > swing behind this idea.
> Barry,
> You are actually a closet theist and don't even know it. 

And you're a terrified little boy who needs to believe
that there is a Big Daddy In The Sky to sleep well at
night. Which would be merely pitiable if you didn't 
have a similar need to debate others about the fairy
tales you believe in to try to convince them they're
something more than fairy tales. 

There. Now we've both gotten what we really think of
each other out of our systems.  :-)

> Since you believe the universe is eternal and never-created, 
> you then believe that the universe is the Knower, the Process 
> of Knowing, and the Known by Itself.

Bzzzzzzt. Does not compute. I believe *nothing* about
those three made-up concepts you just spouted. And 
even if I did they would have nothing to do with the
nature of the universe. They're just silly ideas,
opinions spouted by silly humans. 

> IOW, It knows and maintains the dimensions of space and time. 

"It," meaning the universe, neither "knows" nor 
"maintains" diddelysquat. I don't believe that the 
universe is sentient; that's YOUR fantasy. :-)

It's just an eternal machine that was never created
and has no purpose. In that sense, if the universe
*were* sentient (it's not, as far as I can tell),
its lack of purpose would put it several notches 
above puny humans who feel that *their* purpose 
was to understand the universe's, which doesn't
exist. :-)

> As such, It is a Being, albeit an impersonal one. So, you 
> actually believe in an Impersonal Eternal Being.

John, I suggest that you keep your dualist fantasies
to yourself, and try not to embarrass yourself by
trying to convince others that they're more than
fantasies. The universe is not a being of any kind.
It's an It. What happens within that It just happens;
there is no Plan behind it, and no intelligence 
guiding it. Shit just happens. 

Some of us are comfortable with that. Others (like
yourself) seem to feel that they need a fantasy god
or being who runs things to explain shit just happening.
Cool, I guess, if that makes you feel better. But don't
expect others to pretend that your fantasies are real
just because you do. 


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