
My comments are shown below:

1.> (a) 3-d universe requires consciousness to support it.  
> First, why "3-d", and not 23-d or 1-d".  Non sequitur anyway. Why is 
> consciousness required?  Because you say so?

The reason why you were able to understand my post is that you are able to 
understand the principles of of spacial dimensions, aside from the written 
language.  The understanding of spacial dimensions imply that you're sentient 
and have consciousness.  Similarly, the creation of the universe requires 
sentience and consciousness to manifest it.  If there is no consciousness, how 
can the concept of space dimensions exist?

2.> (b) on your statement, without consciousness, there is nothing.  By 
nothing, I assume you mean the null set.  But without "anything" there is 
nothing.  The null set explains nothing.

By nothing, I meant non-existence--not even a mathematical concept like a null 

3. > (c) you say Hawking claims there's no need for a Divine Being to create 
the universe.  What are your reasons for saying there is a need?

For the reasons I've stated in this reply above.  There are other formal 
arguments like the Kalam Cosmological Argument which would refute Hawking's 
position.  But that's another topic.

4.> Finally,
> (d) there's no scientific evidence for Consciousness (the impersonal 
> Absolute); or even consciousness (relative).
> (e) but the really big question is: does anything "exist"?
> There's no proof for that, but philosophers simply gloss that over, assuming 
> that the universe (relative) exists; then go on from there.
> ...
> You need to stop beating round the bush and start coming up with some logical 
> or experimental ideas as to why the universe needs a Creator.
> Just saying Hawking is wrong doesn't prove you're right.
> ...
> Don't beat around the bush. Find the Burning Bush!

There is scientific evidence for Consciousness.  The mere fact that scientists 
are able to understand Einstein's theories is evidence that Consciousness 
exist.  In addition, these same scientists have conducted experiments which 
proved that Einstein's theories are correct--at least for the time being.

Of course something does exist!  Descartes said, "I think.  Therefore, I am."  
Can you refute that?


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