--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Jul 1, 2012, at 2:44 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wgm4u <no_reply@> wrote:
> > 
> > > 
> > > Interesting post; there was an interesting story CLutes used to tell that 
> > > Guru Dev was the 'Guru of Gurus', and that he had all of the spiritual 
> > > techniques extant, and Gurus came to him for advice, and of course the 
> > > implication was that MMY got TM directly from the Guru Dev and it's the 
> > > highest teaching on the planet (according to Charlie).
> > > 
> > > I used to believe this, but have since balked at the idea, though clearly 
> > > TM (and the TM mantras) are invaluable tools for unfolding higher 
> > > consciousness though maybe not the best. I know this because I, myself 
> > > have experienced glimpses of higher consciousness and on-going peace of 
> > > mind and centeredness due to TM.
> > 
> > Benjamin Creme has an interesting system in which he, with the help from 
> > his Master, places the stage of evolution of a deceased soul on a scale 
> > from 0,1 to 7,0. In his books you will find hundreds of POE (point of 
> > evolution) or state of consciousness, of many historic people, artists, 
> > politicians, revolutionaries, poets, inventors, rockstars, composers, yogis 
> > and so on. 
> > 
> > The highest point of evolution has, needless to say, Maitreya with a POE of 
> > 7,0. Though not deceased he represents the highest evolution possible at 
> > this time in history, on this planet. 
> > 
> > The next person on this scale is Brahmananda Saraswathi with a POE of 6,0 
> > at the time of leaving the body. This POE is the highest of the Masters of 
> > Wisdom, except that of Maitreya, and makes him the most senior in the 
> > Hierarchy of the masters supporting the evolution of mankind, many of whom 
> > are now in incarnation, including the Master Jesus, to assist Maitreya in 
> > the task of bringing mankind into the New Age of Enlightenment. 
> > 
> > Benjamin Creme, not being a TM'er (he has developed a system called 
> > Transmission Meditation) obviously has no personal interest in placing Guru 
> > Dev on this highest level of evolution.
> > 
> > It seems Charlie Lutes and Mr. Creme are quite ageeing on the status and 
> > influence of Brahmananda Saraswathi.
> > 
> > Question. What will Maitreya's initial task be? 
> > 
> > Benjamin Creme: In the first place, he will be concerned with inspiring 
> > humanity to create the conditions in which world peace can be guaranteed. 
> > He will show that this requires, above all, the acceptance of the principle 
> > of sharing. This will insure a harmonizing of the imbalance caused today by 
> > the tremendous discrepancies in the living standards of the developed and 
> > the developing nations. His immediate proposal will be to launch a crash 
> > programme of aid to save the starving millions in the Third World. Then, 
> > over the next few years, the restructuring of society along more just lines 
> > will gradually form the basis for a new civilization. He will inspire 
> > humanity to create the new world. His initial task is really one of 
> > reconstruction. 
> > 
> > Q. What is the essence of his teaching for the new age?
> > 
> > BC: His teaching will be released in phases, each phase being relevant to 
> > the needs of humanity at each stage over the next 2,350 years or so. In the 
> > first place, we will find that he will lay the emphasis on the oneness of 
> > humanity, on the fact of the human soul, and on the need for sharing and 
> > right relationships. He will teach, again, the Law of Cause and Effect and 
> > its relation to the Law of Rebirth, showing the need for harmlessness in 
> > all relationships. When these ideas have permeated society and brought 
> > about the changes in our political, economic and social structures, he will 
> > set about the inauguration of the new world religion, bringing together the 
> > approaches to God of the East and the West, God immanent and God 
> > transcendent. He will teach the Mysteries of the Path of Initiation, the 
> > scientific path to God. Initiation will be central to the new world 
> > religion. Above all, he will reveal a new aspect of God. This is the New 
> > Revelation which he brings. 
> LOL.

Don't worry Vaj, Maitreya's plan for the upliftment of humanity also includes 
"Buddhist's" :-)

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