--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> TurqB, everyone's off soybean tofu now.  Too much estrogen.  Even for 
> men.  Man boobs resulted.

The Manssiere: Bras for bros
> ________________________________
>  From: turquoiseb <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 6:27 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Quotes that really cry out for a graphic
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, iranitea <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, iranitea <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > "Ah, yes, your hostility to ____ is all about your concern for 
> > > > > others. How noble of you."
> > > > > 
> > > > > [https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/385606_389352564440058_55858606_n.jpg]
> > > > 
> > > > Lol, very funny and so true. Barry, I really learned something 
> > > > from you in this regard, and that it is to simply lean back and 
> > > > laugh. It's so simple, but such a great thing. 
> > > 
> > > It is, in my opinion, the highest way to honor life. As
> > > G.K. Chesterton said in the link I just posted:
> > > 
> > > "Seriousness is not a virtue. It would be a heresy, but 
> > > a much more sensible heresy, to say that seriousness is 
> > > a vice. It is really a natural trend or lapse into taking 
> > > one's self gravely, because it is the easiest thing to 
> > > do...For solemnity flows out of men naturally; but laughter 
> > > is a leap. It is easy to be heavy: hard to be light.
> > > Satan fell by the force of gravity."
> > 
> > Great quote! 
> Isn't it? I love Chesterton. Even though he was a 
> strong Christian and I am anything but, and even
> though he was writing his best stuff 100 years ago,
> there is a lightness and a humility to his writing 
> and to his insights that I really groove on. Other 
> favorite quotes of his that I keep in my ever-handy 
> Quotes file include "All men are ordinary men; the 
> extraordinary men are those who know it" and "Poets 
> have been mysteriously silent on the subject of 
> cheese." :-)
> > One may think of the British what one wants, but they have 
> > given the world at least two great gifts: one is tea (of 
> > course!), and the other their unique sense of humor and 
> > irony. And what is best, they always include themselves 
> > in their humor. Just look at Monty Python or Little Britain, 
> > can't beat that.
> It is good to remember, at least about Chesterton,
> that he was as "typically British" as the Monty Python
> gang, meaning not typical at all. Much of "Orthodoxy"
> is a railing *against* the tendency in British clerics
> and philosophers to take everything so damned *seriously*.
> One of the other quotes I loved in the set of excerpts
> from "Orthodoxy" that I posted a link to recently was
> this one:
> "The essence of all pantheism, evolutionism, and modern 
> cosmic religion is really in this proposition: that Nature 
> is our mother. Unfortunately, if you regard Nature as a 
> mother, you discover that she is a step-mother. The main 
> point of Christianity was this: that Nature is not our 
> mother: Nature is our sister. We can be proud of her 
> beauty, since we have the same father; but she has no 
> authority over us; we have to admire, but not to imitate. 
> This gives to the typically Christian pleasure in this 
> earth a strange touch of lightness that is almost frivolity. 
> Nature was a solemn mother to the worshippers of Isis and 
> Cybele. Nature was a solemn mother to Wordsworth or to 
> Emerson. But Nature is not solemn to Francis of Assisi.
> To St. Francis, Nature is a sister, and even a younger 
> sister: a little, dancing sister, to be laughed at as 
> well as loved."
> I *love* this, and find it as applicable to Hinduism
> and its slavish devotion to "Mother Divine" or to TM
> and its equally slavish devotion to "Mother Nature"
> or to "the *Laws* of Nature" as it was to Chesterton
> in his time. He obviously identifies more with the
> playful 'tude of St. Francis towards nature than he
> does the solemnity and the sense of awe and almost
> *fear* that many of his contemporaries had towards
> nature. It (she) *doesn't* run our lives; it (she)
> runs with us through the world, as a fellow child
> laughing on the playground. All the difference in
> the world.
> > One of my mentors used this expression with regard to a 
> > friend, lets call him Fred: He said, Fred just laughs off 
> > everything. I have come to appreciate this attitude. 
> Me, too. Clearly, as you go on to point out, this
> is not a universal trait. "Laugh off" some people's
> attempts at seriousness, and they have to project
> their own solemnity and seriousness onto you, and
> claim that you're laughter is "false," and that you
> are "really" reacting defensively to what they said.
> You'll have to forgive me if I interpret this as
> self importance on their part. 
> I similarly interpret people who take generic state-
> ments personally, as we saw happen today. I never
> had the slightest intention of presenting Robin as
> "worse than Charles Manson." The thought never even
> entered my mind, if for no other reason that Robin
> will be completely forgotten by history, if he hasn't
> been already, and Charlie will live on in infamy. :-)
> But Robin "heard" me say that. I didn't. My comment
> was just about the *lack of discrimination* and *low
> standards* used by groupies when choosing a groupie-
> master or groupie-mistress. But he not only took
> what I said personally, as if I was talking about
> *him* and comparing him to Charles Manson, he went 
> through yer classic samskaric reaction to the 
> afflictive emotions he felt about it. He described all
> the emotions that went through him, over an insult
> *that was unintended*. I honestly don't CARE enough
> about Robin Carlsen to insult him; it strikes me as
> "coals to Newcastle," and unnecessary. As that great
> Monty Python gangster John Cleese once said about
> someone *he* was trying his best to ignore, but who
> kept trying to sucker him into a debate or a fight,
> "His very presence here is depriving some village
> of its idiot."  :-)
> John did in this case what you describe your friend
> Fred as doing. He "laughed it off," defusing the bomb
> of self importance and giving the affronted person
> the importance he really deserved, which was none.
> > Actually, many Indians do this, as I have observed recently. 
> > You say something critical, maybe complain, they just laugh. 
> > They laugh it off. Laughter here is not to be mistaken as 
> > arrogance. It's just, as I see it, a release of tension and 
> > energy. 
> I see it also in a Taoist context. Laughter is a sign
> of having achieved resonance with the Tao, or the larger
> flow of life. 
> Drama queens can't laugh, and hate it when others do,
> in response to their attempts to suck them into drama.
> I much prefer those who can "take a step back" and see
> that the drama is the "small shit," and that it's time
> to get back to focus on the "larger shit." 
> As another of my favorite philosopher/clowns once said,
> "Life is a tragedy in close-up, but a comedy in long shot."
> That was Charlie Chaplin speaking. He managed to make
> millions and millions of people laugh in his lifetime.
> I consider that a much higher achievement than helping
> one individual to realize their enlightenment.
> > This is especially important, when a person is in some kind 
> > of emotional lock. 
> > 
> > Laughter here means, to release the energy, and let go of 
> > the situation. 
> Exactly. Those who get uptight at the sound of laughter
> CAN'T let go. They want to hold on to the seriousness 
> and the solemnity and the drama that they are indulging
> in, and the sound of laughter fucks with that attempt.
> > Not cynical at all. It also means to not take the situation 
> > so seriously. Not ones's own emotion, but also not the 
> > emotion of the other. If I perceive a strong emotion in the 
> > other, I can just laugh it off, I don't have to go into it, 
> > justify myself etc., the usual circling around. 
> Exactly. Feeling that one has to "defend one's self"
> means only that one has a self that is so strongly
> entrenched that one feels compelled to defend it.
> > And yet I am free to give my own opinions about any situation, 
> > not as an emotional need, but rather as my right of free 
> > expression.
> Exactly.
> > I am sometimes astonished at the emotion projected to you 
> > and me. 
> After seventeen years, I am no longer astonished by it.
> I tend to laugh it off. :-)
> > I guess some people have a tendency to project their own 
> > emotions onto you, and then mirror their own negative 
> > aspects in you. You become the ultimate evil, unable to 
> > have a good intention, positive thought, or compassion. 
> I think that's silly, naive, and childish. I am not
> the ultimate evil. The ultimate evil is Kim Kardashian. :-)
> > It's clearly a projection o sorts I guess. If there is 
> > anything to the word '1st person ontology', then it is here, 
> > that no other really KNOWS, how you are feeling toward 
> > another, that everybody looking at you is just following 
> > '3rd person ontology'. Yet you see this mind-reading as an 
> > inevitable and almost constant reflex of some people.
> Yup.
> > OTOH the same people will be most sweet, most friendly, in 
> > a holier-than-thou-attitude, towards people in their own 
> > support group, or towards the objects of their very groupie-
> > ness, as if to sort of balance out the negativity they 
> > project onto others. 
> Yup.
> > Personally, I feel, that if a person here is unable, to 
> > congratulate another person here, let's say for birthday 
> > or new year, whom they usually oppose, in a sort of pseudo 
> > self-righteous attitude, there is something seriously wrong 
> > with their EQ.
> A few years ago someone proposed an "FFL get-together" in
> Fairfield, where we could all sit down over drinks and
> see what we were like in real life. As I remember it, only
> one person said that she would definitely not attend if I
> were there. I always thought that spoke volumes, both about
> "holding on to one's drama" and about "resistance to change."
> What would have happened, after all, if the event had 
> happened and I'd said something funny, and she got caught
> laughing at it? Can't risk that.  :-)
> Great chatting with you. I like doing so, BTW, not because
> you're any kind of "Barry groupie" or me an "Iranitea
> groupie," but because we both seem to like cutting to
> the chase and dealing with the *ideas* that underlie 
> things. The individual personalities and their individual
> dramas are like the layer of fat on the outside of a 
> great slab of roast beef. The real meat is inside, in 
> the ideas. I like doing on FFL the same thing I do when 
> having a good steak -- I cut off the fat and discard it, 
> and chow down on the nice, tender meat inside. 
> [ Note: If you're all vegetarian and all, and offended
> by my metaphor, make up your own about preferring the
> juicy interior of your soybean faux-meatloaf or whatever. ]
> :-)

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