Emily, You're new to this?  To be fair, Turqb does provide the man on the 
street account of the Pundits here in Vedic City.  I interview a lot of people 
and Turq is right on how a lot of people on the street here would say this.  
It's what we've lived with here in Fairfield and on FFL.  The pundit project is 
a huge undertaking and Turq is right about it in that it would not have 
happened except for the initiative of some people and the donation of separate 
money by people independent of Maharishi.  It was interesting to see back when 
it was discovered that the pundits actually could be brought here to Fairfield 
and then Vedic City, that it just took fulfilling the procedures published on 
the US Indian Consulate page.  Actually this was pointed out and explored on 
the pages of FFL whence some high-ups on their own then went to and visited the 
Consulate in India to work out the details on their own hook.  It takes money 
upfront to bond people wanting to come to the US on visas from India like this. 
 That money evidently got put up by donors separate from Maharishi's money and 
we now have the pundit program in Vedic City.  JGD,

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@> wrote:
> >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@> wrote:
> > >
> > > If this is such a priority and they really believe what 
> > > they are saying, why don't they just bring in meditators 
> > > from other countries to reach the goal? Are there not 
> > > 2000 flyers in the entire world? In the name of global 
> > > peace, I would think that many of the idealistic and 
> > > altruistic nature would volunteer even to pick up and move.
> > 
> > They have imported about 1,000 Vedic PUndits, and pay 
> > Americans $800/month to participate full time (8 hours/day 
> > 7 days/week) for at least a month.
> > 
> > I'd say they are pretty serious.
> Just so that Emily is not swayed by this disinformation,
> what she means by "they" and what Lawson means by "they"
> are completely different. I suspect that by "they" Emily
> meant the TM organization per se, the entity that has 
> been estimated by The Illustrated Weekly of India to have
> a net worth of 3.5 billion dollars. Given that amount of 
> capital, and given the importance the organization 
> *claims* to place on getting large numbers of Yogic 
> Flyers together to do their thang for world peace, her 
> proposal seems very logical -- "Put your money where 
> your mouth is."
> *In constrast*, what Lawson is talking about are two
> programs paid for entirely by donations begged or demanded
> from TMers. The program that pays for people to buttbounce
> full-time for $800 per month was paid for *entirely* by
> one wealthy TMer. The pundits were similarly funded by
> donations from well-meaning (and yes, idealistic) TMers.
> As far as I know, the TM organization itself, sitting on
> top of all that wealth, *has not spent a penny of its
> own money* to achieve its own goals. 
> This is a policy that goes back to the very beginnings of
> the TM movement. Maharishi was almost *never* willing to
> spend his own money on his own projects. He always found
> a way to beg the money for them from his followers, or
> in his worst moments *extort* the money for them. (What
> else would you call the frantic pleas for money some
> time before he died in which he declared outright that
> the world would end if it wasn't raised.)
> I think Emily has a point. If the TMO 1) actually believed
> that its programs could bring about world peace, and 2) 
> were sitting on top of sufficient financial assets to put 
> those beliefs to the test, wouldn't their failure to do
> so paint them as hypocritical at the very least, and 
> downright mercenary at worst?
> Lawson knows all this. He was taking advantage of Emily
> *not* knowing it to spin things in such a way as to make
> it seem as if the TM organization *itself* paid for the
> efforts he listed. That isn't true, and has never been.
> The TMO does *NOT* pay for these things; the same well-
> intentioned suckers who have been paying for Maharishi's
> dreams since the beginning of the movement paid for them.

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