--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> While it makes sense that dome admins want and need to have 
> everyone compliant if they are to actually be doing 'the same 
> program at the same time'. The not-so-obvious downside of 
> this is people who practice, say Buddhism or Sufism or whatever 
> will have other spiritual teachers and other spiritual practices 
> they do. If such a person is banned from the domes, they'd in 
> effect be banning them from the practice of their own religion 
> of choice. So much for TM not interfering with religion, huh?

Interesting. I'm thinking not so much about people
being kept from the domes because of their religious
practices, but whether the dome program *itself* has
ever been an issue for religious people.

Say someone is a devout Muslim. They are supposed to
pray at certain specified times of the day, without
fail. What if the Muslim in question was participating
in the dome program and the time for his Maghrib 
(sunset) prayer rolls around. Is he supposed to move
to the side of the dome, spread out his prayer rug,
and do his prayers there, before returning to the 
TM-siddhi program, or is he supposed to skip his
Muslim prayers?

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