--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Thanks  awoelflebater may I kiss your hand

Yes, I would be honored and thank you for the rose. You are evidently someone 
of great sensitivity (I already knew that) and wonderful knowledge of a great 
variety of things in this world. A modern day Renaissance person.

> Dear Robert just try to follow the little cute kids innocently  [:D]
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLD3-lOh2xc&feature=related
> <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLD3-lOh2xc&feature=related>
> "Robert" babajii_99@ wrote:When all they want to do is run free...
> here you are at 05:09
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2DPh9zvSb4
> <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2DPh9zvSb4>
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYThblo74hg
> <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYThblo74hg>
> Can you imagine a 20 minute Grand Prix Freestyle with eight horses? 
> That's the nature of the Quadrille  a "classic horse ballet" the 
> "longest of its kind in the world" the standard to which all other group
> performances are measured!
> If you want  and i have time later i may  write you some few quick 
> definitions  descriptions (Volte,Pesade,Passade,Classical piaffe,Trot 
> Work,Canter Work etc.as well as Young Stallions, the Pas de Deux, and 
> the Long Rein solo)by friend of family and mentor world famous (The 
> Miracle of the White Stallions)Col. Alois Podhajsky, Director of the 
> Spanish Riding School from 1939 to1965.
> Remembering  these in his own passionate words could be a sentimental
> journey back into a long gone area.
> In the mean time just enjoy with open mind  these first.
> (For  awoelflebater :October 15, 2008. Spanish Riding School in Vienna 
> two young ladies, a 21-year old Austrian and a 17-year old British 
> woman, were the first females in a very long time to be allowed -in 
> revival an  old tradition-to ride in the famous baroque Winter Riding 
> School. Until approx. 100 years ago,the end of the Austrian monarchy, 
> only the ladies of the Imperial Court were permitted to regularly take 
> part in the so called Riding Festivals and Carousels)
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLD3-lOh2xc&feature=related
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater <no_reply@>
> wrote:
> >
> snip
> >
> >  Poor Robert. Who has broken your balls? Just watch the power, the
> grace  and the beauty of this dear boy...You don't get these kind of 
> performances if the horse doesn't want to do it. A long time before they
> hit Grand Prix they would have imploded and exploded. But I know you're 
> just looking for a reaction. Just watch the horses, you're missing 
> something here. But you know that.
> snip
> >

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