> Having sex doesn't change ones state of consciousness 
> in any fundamental way.

It does if you're doing it right. Just sayin'...  :-)

"Doing it right" does NOT include, in my view, what
many TM guys did for many years. I watched their act
on courses, and watched them make out like bandits
*while pretending to be celibate*.  

The all-too-common ATR course pickup line was, "Yes,
I know the benefits of celibacy. Maharishi has 
explained this to us often, and it's reflected in
most of the scriptures we read. But I'm just *so*
attracted to you..."

The result would be a one-night stand with the female
initiator who fell for this routine, after which the
guy in question (often a member of International Staff)
would blow them off, act all contrite and guilty, and
then go back to pretending to be celibate. I watched
one German International Staffer run this routine on
five different women during one six-week mixed-gender
ATR course.

I can honestly say that I never resorted to this sad
and dishonest pickup technique. I was open and honest
about my...uh...non-celibate status, and even if I
hadn't been, my reputation in the TMO preceded me.
Early on, I had listened to a talk by Maharishi in
which he had delineated the different ways of life
for a spiritual seeker. In it, he said that the only
two viable paths were that of the celibate recluse
and the married householder. "Anything else," he
said, "was a waste of life."

I heard that line, and I relaxed. I finally knew 
which group I belonged to. I was in the Waste Of 
Life group. 

Little did I know at the time that he was, too.

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