Dear Ann,

I understand your approach here, but it just doesn't work. I have been through 
this with Batty for just too long. He missed his chance to apologize years ago.

You can choose not to open these posts, but don't censure. I have a very good 
bead on Batty now, and he can't get far enough away.

Ask him why he's moved [always within the Netherlands] so often recently.

--- In, awoelflebater <no_reply@...> wrote:
> This is ramping up nicely to be the ultimate pissing match between two 
> testosterone
> fueled individuals who refuse to back down. Just what we need now.
> Barry, how about taking the high road and leave Dan' s wife out of this? 
> Conflict resolution is not your strong point but surely you possess some grey 
> cells that could pass for a brain.
> --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > More on this developing story as it emerges...
> > 
> > As promised...
> > 
> > [ AP ] Police and DEA agents in New York City, working
> > in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security,
> > are hot on the trail of a B, V, and C addict whom they 
> > have been notified has become so deranged by the drug 
> > that he's making threats over the Internet. The DHS has
> > become involved because making such threats is now a 
> > crime that falls under the domain of Homeland Security.
> > 
> > DEA agent Hank Schrader, asked to comment, said, "See? 
> > We *told* you that B, V, and C were dangerous! Look what 
> > they have done to this poor guy. Either that or the cult 
> > meditation thing he's into."
> > 
> > DHS agents caution the public not to be concerned, because
> > they have the threat-maker under surveillance, and have
> > forwarded his threats to his wife to let her know who 
> > exactly she is married to.
> >

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