--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> Ann,
> I think if you check into this you will find that Dan's
> accusation of Barry bringing Dan's wife into a dispute is
> not correct.

No, if she checks into it, she'll find that it is correct.

> For one, I think the alleged transgration took place about
> two years ago.  Or maybe it was a little less.

I'm not sure what a "transgration" is, but the incident
in question took place in January 2011.

> I am too
> lazy to look it up, and so may be proved wrong.  But as I
> mentioned before, I believe it was Dan who made a post to
> Barry using his wife's e-mail account.   Barry then 
> commented on that in his postings here, and that seemed to
> infuriate Dan.

No, Dan did not make a post to Barry using his wife's email
address. He thought he was, but unknown to him, it went to
Barry as an email with his wife's address. Dan's wife had
no idea this was going on either.

What infuriated Dan was that Barry then--without checking
with Dan first as to why he'd gotten the email--wrote an
insulting email to Dan's wife (which he gleefully posted
to FFL), insinuating that Dan was really a woman posing as
a man. Barry included a link to a YouTube video of the
trailer to the movie "Myra Breckenridge," which is a near-
pornographic comedy about a transgendered man (played by
Raquel Welch).

When Dan explained what had happened, Barry accused him
of lying. Alex and blusc0ut (now posting as iranitea)
had to point out to Barry that there was no reason to
disbelieve Dan.

Here's a post of mine from a year ago explaining the
situation to Curtis (it quotes Barry's letter to Dan's
wife in full):


> Judy recently posted the exchanage, I believe.

I posted a link to it. You can also trace it from my post
cited above.

> But I think a wrong impression is being given by Dan.

Barry will be happy you think so. He's been lying about
Dan for quite a while now.

> Perhaps a rereading of the exchange will prove me wrong, or
> at least be show the possibility of different interpretations.

Perhaps it will. And perhaps you should have reread the
exchange yourself before describing the events incorrectly
and accusing Dan of giving the wrong impression.

> We have a lot of that here.
> There seems to be intense hatred of Barry by Dan.

The hatred of Dan by Barry is at least as intense.

  I am not sure why
> this old issue is being brought up as though it were new.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater <no_reply@>
> wrote:
> >
> > This is ramping up nicely to be the ultimate pissing match between two
> testosterone
> > fueled individuals who refuse to back down. Just what we need now.
> > Barry, how about taking the high road and leave Dan' s wife out of
> this? Conflict resolution is not your strong point but surely you
> possess some grey cells that could pass for a brain.
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > More on this developing story as it emerges...
> > >
> > > As promised...
> > >
> > > [ AP ] Police and DEA agents in New York City, working
> > > in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security,
> > > are hot on the trail of a B, V, and C addict whom they
> > > have been notified has become so deranged by the drug
> > > that he's making threats over the Internet. The DHS has
> > > become involved because making such threats is now a
> > > crime that falls under the domain of Homeland Security.
> > >
> > > DEA agent Hank Schrader, asked to comment, said, "See?
> > > We *told* you that B, V, and C were dangerous! Look what
> > > they have done to this poor guy. Either that or the cult
> > > meditation thing he's into."
> > >
> > > DHS agents caution the public not to be concerned, because
> > > they have the threat-maker under surveillance, and have
> > > forwarded his threats to his wife to let her know who
> > > exactly she is married to.
> > >
> >

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