--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@> wrote:
> >
> > Dan,
> > 
> > You realize that this is slanderous and cowardly. And although 
> > it does not affect me, I would say that it is grounds for 
> > suspension from the group. That would be my recommendation.  
> > You are, what's called in the trade, a coward, Dan. A coward 
> > is someone who resorts to innuendo when they have nothing 
> > to back up their accusations.
> 7ray, I'd say that Dan just "drops right in" 
> lately to the general level of obsession and
> insanity that Fairfield Life has devolved to.
> Fascinating that my done-for-fun satire yesterday
> about me and Vaj and Curtis being designated as
> Schedule I drugs because people become so obsessed
> with us that they literally become addicted to the
> obsession was proven so incredibly Right On, eh?
> As for "grounds for suspension," quite frankly I
> think that you're dreaming. Rick is clearly asleep 
> at the wheel, and either doesn't care that the 
> forum he created has become a refuge for crazy
> people, or he really doesn't get it. 
> From my point of view, he has now allowed at least
> three certifiably mentally ill people to post here, 
> people who are in desperate need of either therapy or
> commitment to a mental institution. Rick doesn't 
> seem to even notice. Maybe that has something to
> do with the people he interviews as "everyday
> enlightened role models." He's lost touch with
> reality, as perceived by most of the world.
> He also doesn't seem to notice that over the years
> the "quirkiness quotient" surrounding TM and the
> TMO has grown so huge that these mentally ill people 
> are not being recognized as the mentally ill people 
> they are. Instead, people who on any other forum 
> would instantly recognize them for what they are 
> and either compassionately ignore them or actively
> encourage them to get help instead *encourage their 
> craziness*. 
> They *go out of their way* to get these already
> mentally ill people to become more so. 
> And in the process become a little less sane 
> themselves, with every post. 
> Do you remember how many people reacted when Ravi
> *first* showed up here? Exactly as I suggest above.
> They were CONCERNED about him, afraid that he was
> having a breakdown, afraid that he'd do harm either
> to himself or his wife, and urging him to get some
> kind of professional help. 
> Now they treat him as if he's NORMAL, and *encourage*
> him to act out even more. They do the same thing 
> with Robin, and more recently with Dan Friedman.
> Obsessing on another person to the point that 
> people do it on this forum is *not* normal. The
> only even remotely benevolent way I can see the
> phenomenon is that the people engaged in it --
> over a dozen of them, now -- just Don't Have 
> Lives, and this behavior has taken the place of 
> what other, more sane people do for fun and 
> entertainment.
> But it really is past the point of funny or enter-
> taining now. You've got people here who think it
> is NORMAL for someone to threaten another person
> with physical harm because they embarrassed them
> in front of their wife a year and a half ago. 
> I honestly think that a lot of it really *IS*
> attributable to the Cult Experience. Those who
> have come to believe that their behavior on FFL
> is NORMAL are comparing it to levels of craziness
> they've seen around them in other TMers for 
> decades now, and come to take for granted. They 
> don't see anything the least bit wrong with 
> becoming this obsessive, or acting out one's 
> obsessions in this way. 
> Thanks for occasionally being one of the relatively
> sane voices here, Steve. You're definitely in the 
> minority these days, and that's a compliment.

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