--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_reply@...> wrote:
> X -- nice, very nice.  I'm a fan.  
> Wouldn't change a word of yers below.
> Edg

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" <anartaxius@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > I suppose I ought respond to a few of these comments. Perhaps Xeno has 
> > taken leave of his senses.
> > 
> > > awoelflebater wrotes:
> > 
> > > So Xeno writes the other day to Judy:
> > 
> > > "I feel Barry is more spiritually advanced than Robin"
> > 
> > > This alone made my head spin. But just, for example, take a look at 
> > > Robin's commentary to Emily after she took his quiz yesterday (post 
> > > 317866) and explain to me how you could possibly argue for this point 
> > > Xeno. What exactly is your definition of spiritual? Maybe it is something 
> > > I don't want to aspire to or can view as a positive thing if that is your 
> > > assessment. If spirituality has anything whatsoever to the quality of 
> > > heart, openness, willingness to understand, desire to be transformed by 
> > > truth and life, sensitivity to other living creatures then, dear Xeno, I 
> > > think you have miscalculated badly - your assertion has missed the mark.
> > 
> > > Emily wrote:
> > > I found that an interesting statement, to say the least.
> > 
> > > raunchydog wrote:
> > > I'd missed this one, Em. What a hoot!
> > 
> > > Ravi wrote:
> > >
> > > ...I think Xeno, the frozen, immobile, sitting duck with his neo-advaita 
> > > platitudes, the one who used to serve as a target practice for me to whup 
> > > his ass any time, at my will, at my fancy, has finally stepped up the 
> > > ante to fill the huge, gaping, void left by His Holiness...
> > 
> > > ...This cold, heartless one has been brutally stung by my ambushes. And 
> > > this ultimately is a victory for me!!! 
> > 
> > (Your ambushes, Ravi are particularly inept and unfocused and largely 
> > self-congratulatory. But then that is Ravi!)
> > 
> > > ...Glory to Xeno - the Maitreya of Morons !!!
> > 
> > > salyavin808 wrote:
> > > I guess it boils down to that most curious trait that makes people in the 
> > > TMO (and perhaps other groups) ascribe enlightenment to people simply 
> > > because they like them.
> > 
> > First of all, I said 'I thought', meaning that is my opinion; I did not 
> > ascribe enlightenment either to Robin or Barry. I said 'more spiritually 
> > advanced'. That implies some relative difference in what I consider a 
> > person's understanding of spirituality, but it does not imply what that 
> > value of advancement is, other than I thought there was a difference. It 
> > does not imply how much the degree of separation is either. Emily was kind 
> > enough to quote a few comments I made as reasons for the choice I made. 
> > 
> > It is based more on a feeling than anything else. If I had to trust someone 
> > to watch my back, I would pick Barry over Robin. Fewer blades, and were one 
> > to fly, Barry would be up front about it. I do not trust Robin. For 
> > whatever problems, shortcomings, and curmudgeonly gripes Barry may have, he 
> > is far more direct than Robin, Barry is calculating in many ways, to my 
> > mind, but Robin is cunning, and that is danger. Further Robin has a history 
> > that is less than savoury in his interactions with people. I do not know 
> > Barry's, but based on the interactions here, my guess with normal people 
> > (that is, not us), he is a regular guy, maybe a little crusty, but 
> > essentially normal. Here on FFL, our IDs (the monsters of the ID) are not 
> > so restrained. Robin's does not appear to have been much restrained. People 
> > who have the experience of slipping into unity or Brahman, to use that 
> > term, seldom take and run with it. They are taken aback by it. It stuns 
> > them. They sometimes think they have gone nuts, and are unsure, especially 
> > if unprepared for the astonishing shift in awareness.
> > 
> > Robin, to my mind, and remember I am saying 'to my mind', I might be wrong 
> > in this - is deeply attached to both himself as a person (ego), and to a 
> > particular brand of theology, not sure exactly what, it seems kind of 
> > Catholic, but with the Robin twist. Barry has basically flown the coop here 
> > regarding ideology, but he is still practicing some form of meditation. 
> > Barry's ability to make fun of all the holy holies of spiritual life has a 
> > certain insight into spiritual puffery and ostentation. He has taken me on 
> > for this. But what that means is a lot of spiritual baggage has fallen off 
> > from him. This does not mean enlightenment. This does not mean he is a 
> > shining example of spirituality. Nobody here even agrees what a shining 
> > example of spirituality is. Robin is preloaded with plan, and eventually 
> > attempts to move one along that planned path. Barry does not care, but if 
> > he gets you right, as he does sometimes, you move, but not according to 
> > some preplanned path, he tries to get you to see your inanities and 
> > peculiarities of belief. This is the difference between being sucked into 
> > some kind of theology and experiencing spiritual spiritual growth. 
> > Spiritual growth destroys your crap; it is not ultimately a respecter of 
> > what you believe, because what you believe is just an idea in the mind 
> > about what is real. Beliefs have a tenuous relationship with reality. You 
> > cannot get rid of them all, but pruning is always in order. Barry takes pot 
> > shots at you. Robin tries to suffocate you in his grasp. What Robin does 
> > does not feel liberating in any way. It has some semblance to what some 
> > teachers of 'reality' do, but the end result is different.
> > 
> > The reason I feel Barry is 'advanced' over Robin is I think there is less 
> > obstruction in his mind as to what reality might really be, and thus, given 
> > the right conditions, be more likely to slip into an enlightened 
> > realisation. Robin of course says he already was, but it was a lie, and he 
> > destroyed it, but now has another version of reality. If it had been real, 
> > there is nothing he could have done to get rid of it, because it is not 
> > something you can acquire in the first place. Robin has definitely had some 
> > profound mystical experiences, and he is very into the metaphysical. But 
> > this is not to my mind really related to spiritual growth. Enlightenment is 
> > not a special state of holiness, it does not make you lord and master over 
> > others. It makes one realise what a total idiot one has been in its 
> > pursuit. But the pursuit's 'goal', if consummated finally settles one down, 
> > the mystery of life has a curious resolution without the intrigue, or even 
> > the trials of life being sapped away. So the pointless pursuit is felt to 
> > have been worthwhile. And then one can be just an ordinary person. Robin 
> > does not want to be an ordinary person, he wants to be in some highest 
> > state of personal ontology in relation to a metaphysical super being, and 
> > make sure that you know that is the case, and that for you that is not the 
> > case. 
> > 
> > Barry is pretty much a normal sort of person from what I can tell, in spite 
> > of his pointed attacks on spiritual pomposity which can be perhaps a bit 
> > over biting at times and his ongoing taunting of Judy and her supporters. 
> > But his attack mode, if we characterise his writing style here, is also not 
> > the mindless ad hominems of Ravi, or the fiendish snares of Robin's 
> > overtures.
> > 
> > Now Judy does not really talk about spirituality as such, so there is not 
> > much way to even attempt such an evaluation of her - she is our editor. 
> > However I can say I think I have learned more from interacting with Judy 
> > than with Robin. I do find her annoying sometimes, but the first question I 
> > think I should ask myself in such a situation is why do I feel that way? 
> > Being peeved at someone has two loci - one's self and the other person.
> >

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