--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@> wrote:
> > > Dear Xeno,
> > > 
> > > I can only pray that one of my disciples straightens you out in
> > > this. How could you possible say what you have said? I find this
> > > so insulting: imagine, placing Barry above ME? You have made a 
> > > serious cosmic miscalculation, Xeno: I am so much smarter and 
> > > cooler than Barry Baby.
> > 
> > Smarter, maybe.
> > 
> > But *cooler*??
> > 
> > Dig yourself.
> > 
> > Here you are, whining because you've been insulted. Do we
> > ever see Barry whine when he's been insulted? Whining is
> > most definitely Not Cool. If you're going to whine, do it
> > in private, like he does.
> > 
> > > And I am disappointed you would make of me a public spectacle
> > > by essentially calling me out.
> > 
> > Oh, please. That's your raison d'etre, to be a public 
> > spectacle. You'll happily make yourself one if nobody does
> > it for you.
> > 
> > > I feel you have exposed me here, Xeno. And I don't like it one
> > > bit. Where is your compassion, your sympathy, your pity?
> > 
> > So you admit you've been exposed. Xeno has done you--and us--
> > a *huge favor*: he has revealed the ugly reality of the first-
> > person ontology you have so carefully concealed behind that
> > cunning zebra mask. That is true compassion, to make you face
> > up to the pitiable truth of who you really are.
> > 
> > > I am angry at what you have done here, Xeno, and I shall try to 
> > > find my revenge. I am currently at a loss to know what I should
> > > do; but never fear: there shall be consequences for this, Xeno.
> > 
> > Right out in the open, you unleash the Monsters of your ID.
> > A lot of good they're going to do you now. You're expecting
> > Xeno to tremble in terror, aren't you? Good luck with that.
> > Xeno has shown he has the courage to confront you *despite
> > knowing of your unsavory interactions with people a mere 25
> > years ago*.
> > 
> > > I know there are some persons on FFL who disagree with your 
> > > comparison of Barry and me.
> > 
> > Probably not any more, not after this disgraceful display. 
> > 
> > > Did you hear that, Xeno? Just because this is what you believe,
> > > that doesn't turn it into truth.
> > 
> > No, you've done that yourself, Robbie Boy. Xeno has forced
> > you to haul out all the spiritual baggage you've been
> > carrying and lay it before us. You did your best to catch
> > him in your fiendish snares and suffocate him, and you
> > 
> > > And I shall just have to be satisfied with this consolation: that,
> > > after all, this is just your OPINION. But you have really hurt
> > > what I assumed I always was; your *friend*, Xeno.
> > 
> > Poor you. Let me get my tiny violin.
> > 
> > > I hope you're happy now, Xeno. Thanks a lot!
> > 
> > Gag me with a spoon. Why don't you just go and complain to
> > your metaphysical super being? Nobody here wants to hear it.
> > You know, speaking of cosmic miscalculations.
> > 
> > Get over yourself, dude. We're over you, but good.
> > 
> > The zebra has been unmasked. (And those cute little stripes,
> > they're probably fake too.)
> Dear authfriend,
> I just don't get this, authfriend. It just seems way over the top 
> to me. I have read it over four times, and I still can't quite
> see what you are up to.

Not too quick on the uptake, are you?

Well, it's late, and I have only a few moments. I have no
intention of getting into one of your agonizingly prolonged 
discussions--how much time *do* you spend writing FFL posts,
anyway?--so I'll just make a few pertinent remarks.

> I think you are being needlessly harsh. And I also believe that
> few FFL readers will believe my honest letter to Xeno warranted 
> this kind of treatment.
> If I was slightly irrational in my reaction to what he wrote
> about me, that is only being human. Would you have me just act
> as if Xeno had not struck at my very soul?

Why not? That's what Barry does when his soul has been

Take a lesson from him, muster up some intestinal fortitude,
pretend you're just fine, and then maybe you won't find
yourself so far behind him in the opinion of those with the discernment to 
judge the spiritual advancement of others.

Xeno called Barry "crusty." That's what you need to acquire,
a bit of crust--for protection, and so nobody can see you
bleeding underneath.

> Don't get me wrong, authfriend: you have every right to your
> opinions, but Xeno never went as far as you have here. Indeed I
> am quite sure he was shocked at your post.
> I would even be prepared to believe inside his heart he wishes
> now he had not said what he said about me.

He may well realize I said it better, I'll grant you that.

> But don't worry, authfriend. I am a strong character and this
> shall not define the rest of my life.

Well, for pete's sake, find *something* to define the rest of
your life, willya? You're all over the lot here. Don't keep
us guessing. Be brave, take a stand.

> But I think people should judge you according to this post:
> what you are capable of doing when you get a hate on about
> someone.

Toots, I went easy on you. But you're beginning to really
bug me now, so watch it.

> I am just sorry it had to come to this. Xeno, please say 
> something to authfriend--or 'Judy' to you.
> I feel badly for all of us, authfriend.
> This is a day that ends in unhappiness. 
> But I do not want your pity.

Sorry, but you don't have any choice.

> It is just that it is so hard right now.

Whine, whine, whine. GET A GRIP, MAN. You think you're the
only one who's got it tough around here?

> Good night, authfriend.
> Thank you.

Yeah, whatever. Why not add hypocrisy to your sins while
you're at it?

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