--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> Snip
> <As for what my feelings were, I didn't suffer or feel insulted.  Nor did I 
> think you were being hurtful or cruel.  I simply did not want to pursue the 
> theme of whether or not I was being the real me.  Nor the theme of my alleged 
> hyper positivity.  We've been down those rabbit holes plenty.>
> Snip
> In a very kind way you hit the nail on the head here Share.

Except that she isn't being truthful. She told Robin
she was going to "suspend communications," not that
she didn't want to pursue a particular theme. Their
conversations had covered many different themes.

So her claim here that she didn't feel insulted or
think Robin was being hurtful doesn't ring true
either. Maybe she wasn't and didn't, but what she
said certainly sounded as though she wanted him--and
us--to think she was and did.

> If Robin "gets it", it might assist in my own communication
> issues I expressed in our last exchange.  Adults don't take
> kindly to having people presume to negotiate the relationship
> we have with ourselves.

That's one of those statements that sounds profound but
sort of dissolves into nothing when you look at it
closely. It certainly had nothing to do with Robin's
exchange with Share.

There's something quite peculiar about this whole
sequence of events.

Robin was describing *his experience* of something Share
had said. When she seemed to have been offended by what
he had written--this was *before* her "suspend
communications" post--he explained his experience further,
pointed out that he hadn't been attempting to influence
Share to talk to him in any particular way, and ended up
dismissing his own comments about his experience and
simply complimenting her on her post.

She had already said she was feeling grumpy because of
having eaten sugar the day before and had apologized
for taking it out on him. So after he'd offered his
explanation, the whole issue appeared to have been

But two days later, in a new post to Robin, she
announced she was going to "suspend communications"
because of what she had grossly misconstrued to be his
"assessment" of her--this being the same comment she'd
initially been "grumpy" about and that he had explained
and dismissed.

It's almost as if somebody got to her in the interim and
convinced her to go back and make a big deal of what
Robin had said.

If so, unfortunately the coaching didn't keep her from
making a ghastly mess of what it had inspired.

> Young people are learning their boundaries.  When a Maharishi told us back in 
> the day the knowledge was structured in consciousness and with a wink wink 
> jiu jitsu created the assumption that he was going to assume a dominant 
> relationship with us, it felt OK because he was older than I was and that was 
> how I had deferred to older people my whole childhood.
> So I think her reaction was appropriate for a self realized
> adult.  She wasn't interested in having you assume this
> position with her.

A position Robin had not assumed in the first place. If
any deferring was taking place, it was Robin deferring
to Share.

(Notice that Curtis has suddenly decided he's speaking
to Robin rather than Share. Then he goes back to 
addressing Share. A little confusion there, I guess.)

> Now I can also understand why Robin was so surprised.  He only 
> started to put in the lever and hadn't applied any pressure yet,
> but he got called out immediately.

Yeah, this is where the coaching must have come in. I 
don't think any of this hostile, dishonest anti-Robin
crap would have occurred to Share on her own, especially
after Robin had withdrawn the original remarks and Share
had apologized for being grumpy about them. It's no
wonder he was astonished.

"Called out immediately": Obviously Curtis hadn't read
their previous conversations, and he hasn't been paying
careful enough attention even to what he quoted from
Share's post. Oooooopsie!

I'll bet Robin isn't astonished now, though, because we
can see where it was all leading: to the malicious
attribution to Robin of an invented agenda that serves
someone else's purposes.

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