Years ago I attended a WPA/Advanced Technique week in Washington, DC. Neal 
Patterson was the Advanced Technique initiator.

During the knowledge part of one afternoon, we all watched a video tape of 
Maharishi talking about cultural differences and natural law. 

In this lecture he stated the reason people are different all over the world 
was the energy of the devas. 

Now I mean he actually used the words deva and devas, and during the talk used 
also the term the personifications of the laws of nature interchangeably for 

He said the reason people had developed different cultures, different modes of 
dress, different languages, different cultural habits and food preferences, in 
short all the aspects of a particular culture was due to the energy of the 
devas underlying that particular part of the geographical landscape. 

The devic energy or energy of the personifications of the laws of nature formed 
the energy that people would pick up on and using that energy create all the 
aspects of their culture. This accounted for cultural differences all over the 
world. It was the devas.

I wonder then how that fits in with the idea of sthapatya veda where all the 
buildings must be designed and constructed the same way. 

Does this mean that all the devas responsible for the cultural creation of 
architecture all over the world have now become Maharishi Sthapatya Veda devas? 
Or have they just been taking lessons from the old sthapatya veda devas? Or is 
sthapatya veda unnecessary outside of India?

Thoughts, anyone?

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